Monday, January 24, 2011

Ghoulies and Ghosties!

"From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!"

My grandmother used to recite this little ditty to me as a child whenever I would spend the night at her house. I have no idea just where it came from and perhaps should take the time to look it up someday. Last night, I awoke at midnight..there was no apparent reason for me to do so other than the fact that the moonlight was streaming through the window and hitting me right in the face. I laid there thinking of all sorts of things as one is prone to do in the middle of the night when all else is quiet. This same grandmother used to tell me to never sleep in the moonlight as it would make you go crazy! SO! THAT EXPLAINS IT! She always reasoned that the word loony came from the word lunar or moon and that if anyone slept in the light of a full moon they would be crazy by morning. I am not sure why she would tell a six year old child these fun things but I was careful never to let moonlight befall me whilst sleeping! Now, I love the moonlight! I will take midnight strolls on nights of the full is almost mystical the way the yard appears by this light. As I lay there..pondering..I noticed the clouds whisking by the face of the moon..and being the "crazy" woman I am, I had to get up and photograph the midnight moon. After taking maybe forty shots of the orb, I fell back asleep only to awake this morning as crazy as a loon! Not really..I am not any nuttier than I was the night before..( we won't go there!). This morning when I was looking at the pictures that I took, one of them was down right creepy! "Things that go bump in the night" just was not adequate! In this picture the moon looks like an eye! An evil eye! A friend of mine told me it reminded her of something from "The Hound of the Baskervilles"! It does appear at first glance to be the eye of some raging animal but then again, I have told you that I have a very vivid imagination! Take a look at the picture and you decide!

Meanwhile, back at Grandmother's house..when I would spend the night, I would lay looking out the window for hours. At my childhood home, the window in my bedroom pretty much looked out into darkness. There were no streetlights back in the day and we had no near neighbors so consequently there were no lights at all..just darkness. But at Grandmother's house, it was different! I could lay looking out the window and see the lights across the Bay! By day, these lights a part of Keesler Air Force night (in a six year old girl's mind) they became part of ...A Castle...oooohh! My imagination was wild even back in the day! It just so happens that every time I was at Grandmother's, Cinderella had another ball at her castle! I could just see the princes and princesses dancing the night away just across the water! Or perhaps it was from the story of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses!" I don't know..maybe they all shared a castle or something! Now I am fortunate enough to live just a few hundred feet from where I spent the night at my grandparents. (And I am still fascinated by the lights!)

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