Thursday, January 27, 2011

I love America!

Every evening, I stroll to the pier to catch the sunset. It has been a habit of mine for quite some time now and I don't intend to change as long as I am healthy enough to make the jaunt. I enjoy being there and the solitude gives me some time to wind down from the day and ponder any thoughts that might invade the brain. Since I live directly across Back Bay from Keesler Air Force Base, I can usually (depending upon the wind direction) hear the National Anthem being played. For some reason, they have chosen to play it at five o'clock in the afternoon. I used to hear it at five in the morning but lately that has not been the case. The trip late this afternoon was no different. As the Anthem played, I stood, hand over heart, and listened. It is a moving moment in view of all that is going on with this country. (And by the way, it seems that not many people do the hand over heart salute to our Flag anymore. This sad as it shows so much respect.) Anyway, after the Anthem stopped playing, I noticed Ezzy staring out over the water toward the Air Base. I wondered if she heard the music. She stayed in that position for a good five minutes, just staring out over the water as if in deep thought. I snapped a few pictures of my "patriotic" dog before she regained her usual bouncy self. Did she hear the music? Was she aware that I was listening intently? Or was she just simply lost in deep thought? Who knows..with this dog, it could be any or none of the above.

Earlier in the day, I noticed a pair of birds in the Bayou. They were rather large..about like a large, overweight duck and mostly grey. I slipped as close as I dared to the edge of the marsh to get a good photo without scaring them. From the distance I was from them, I was not sure of their identity..I had a suspicion but could not make a positive identification. I could not be sure. They are newbies to the Bayou..not that they are rare..just that I have not seen them here before. I love the way that one of them is almost completely under the water! Perhaps they are just passing through but it would be nice if they stayed! I will try to make an id and post it at a later date..any guesses?

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