Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hair Cap Moss

This afternoon's walk was rather interesting. My husband and I set out on one of my "treks" around the place..I was hoping to catch some good photography moments and he..well..was sort of humoring me since it was my birthday. I am quite sure he did not really enjoy my "style" of walking as I tried to be as quiet as possible and I made frequent stops to photograph anything that struck my fancy. After several near collisions with him because of my sudden stops to take a picture of a plant or moss, he decided to wander off a bit. I think he would have been much happier at home taking a nap than fighting the briers in the woods! Still, I do appreciate his company even though this might have been a one-time occurrence!
Moss covered oak limb!

As we were walking down an old, abandoned lane, I whispered, "Oh, look!!" He peered around expecting to see something as elusive as Bigfoot, as exciting as Yeti or perhaps at least a bunny. Instead.. today's find..Hair Cap Moss! Exciting to me..boring to him. I received a look that was somewhat of bewilderment..disbelief that I could be so ecstatic over some little green squishy stuff under his foot. But it is HAIR CAP MOSS..I tried to explain to beautiful! He sort of shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something to make me think he understood. I was rapt..Hair Cap Moss!

Hair Cap Moss!

I suppose I should explain why I am so elated to find mosses in close proximity of our place. I am secretly planning a moss garden! (It is not really a secret..I just have not told Hubby and Son, yet..I will spring this extra work on them when they least expect it! The digging of gardens does not set well with them unless it is a food producing type of garden and well, to be honest, I am not sure they would love to eat moss!) There is one spot of our yard, down close to the Bayou edge, that stays moist and is mostly shady. Nothing else will grow there but it should be the perfect place for a moss garden! I have been taking not of the growths of mosses and ferns so that eventually, I can transplant them into my area.

Later in the evening, I met up with the Nutria Rat at the end of the pier. She was munching on some of the new marsh roots and was hesitant to leave. Ezzy, the dog, and I sat watching Friend Nutria for a while as she swam around in circles trying to decide whether we were friends or foes. After a bit, we let her eat in peace and Ezzy and I headed to the house.

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