Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Wild Morning on the Bayou!

I was enjoying the was raining and I thought it was the perfect morning to sleep in..then the alarm went off and ruined that good feeling. Don't get me wrong here..I do not use an alarm clock as I never have a problem waking in the morning..this was the tornado alarm at the Air Base on the other side of the Bay. With the south wind, the siren was loud and clear. I jumped up and stared out the window..the sky was a lovely shade of green..lime green. Skies are not green...grass is green. I learned that when I was a toddler..grass is green and skies are blue..not so this morning. Things were slamming against the side of the house and pelting the rooftop. Uh-oh..this was not good! Ok now! Tornado mode! What to do?? Ahh yes! When I was a child, I was told to put my shoes by the door! I grabbed the only shoes that I could find..a pair of rubber garden clogs. I looked at them..this makes no sense whatsoever! Why??? Why would I want my shoes by the door??? Ok..ok..hmm..boil water! Gather towels!!!!! No babies being born here. I hurried into the kitchen.."Son..get downstairs..NOW! " Son staggered down the stairs and flopped on the bed in his sister's vacant room. He immediately fell back to sleep..Hubby and I stared out the window at the weather..Ms. Put, the cat, raced down the stairs and hid under the table cloth and Ezzy, the Wonder Dog.....sat in the hall. Sit in the hall! That is it! Good dog! By that time, the tornado had passed and all was clear..for a few minutes until the alarm sounded again..this went on for the better part of the morning. After the fourth alarm, Son was back upstairs..sleeping.. Hubby and I were each enjoying our third cup of coffee, Ms Put wanted out and the Wonder Dog was staring out the window at a squirrel. Our little hill had been spared the brunt of storm. The neighbors to the west of us..not so fortunate. My cousin and Uncle both received damage to their places..nothing major..but still too close for comfort. And life goes on......

After all cleared and the sun was trying to break through the clouds, I had to escape the confines of these walls. I slipped into the gardens to breathe in the fresh air. There is something so refreshing right after a storm. The gardens had survived the severe winds and pelting rains. Nothing was damaged and for that life had begun. There in the mulch, thousands upon thousands of tiny Marigold seedlings had sprouted. They were everywhere!! I have never seen so many "volunteer" plants in all my life! I suppose I will have to transplant them into the beds as soon as they are big enough, I am just not sure that I will have that much space! A new garden might be in the works!

Also, I noticed that the Blueberry Bushes were in bloom! These bushes were planted several years ago but have never grown to their full potential. I am sad to say that in the five years that they have been in the garden, I have yet to get a cup full of berries. My dear sister-in-law has kindly offered me a start from her bushes and my brother has donated me a few of his. Now if I can only get mine to grow like theirs, I will be happy! I love blueberries! Yum..blueberry muffins..blueberry pie..blueberry jam..oh yeah..I love blueberries!

By the late evening, all was peaceful on the Bayou. The Bay was calm, the sun was setting and the gnats were horrible. Time to hurry back inside. Perfect timing..for as we were heading up the hill to the house, my oldest son was heading down the hill to greet us. He had just arrived for an overnight stay! This..the nicest end to an eventful day!

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