Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family Time!

Mama Cardinal searching for bugs.

Family..just the sound of the word tugs at the heartstrings. These are the ones that you can count on when times are tough. These are the ones that even though you do not see nor hear from them for years, when you is as if you were never apart. These are the ones that might grate on your nerves at times but when you need one, can give the best hugs! Whether related by birth, blood brothers or merely sisters at long as love is shared, it is family.

Three Baby Cardinals in a nest in the blackberry vines.

Today, I had to opportunity to observe a new little family. This family consisted of the mom, dad and three darling little children. The parents doted on their offspring. They fed them, protected them, loved them as any good parents should. The babies..a mere two days old, were born blind and helpless so they are completely dependent on Mom and Dad. This is a family of Cardinals. For some strange reason, Mom and Dad Cardinal decided to make their nest in the blackberry vines. Normally, this would be the ideal place to raise youngsters as the thorns would do a great job of protecting Mom while she is on the nest. The little hatchlings would be protected from any marauding animals or hungry raptors from above. But..the birds have to deal with me! The blackberry fences line the squash garden and I am always in this garden, hoeing, weeding, watering or picking. So far, my presence has not upset the birds at all and I am hoping that it stays that way. I do worry that Ms Put, the cat, might also know that the nest is in the blackberry vines. She sleeps in the garden path that leads to the vines and is bound to hear the tiny voices crying for food. Hopefully, the thorns will deter her as well. I love having Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal and their brood as neighbors! It is a win/win situation for both of us! I will try to protect the nest as well as I can in exchange for them clearing the plants of cutworms!

Daddy Cardinal keeping a careful vigil over the nest of three babies.

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