Saturday, April 16, 2011

Good things come to those who wait....

Some times you just need to have a little patience. Most things have a way of working themselves out if just given a bit of time and space albeit in most instances, that is the hardest part. I waited...patiently. I wanted/needed another grape arbor. The grapes are doing well on the old arbor but I had three new vines that needed a home. I waited..patiently. Then! Bright one morning as if by magic..a pile of lumber appeared in the backyard! I was ecstatic! I knew that something fantastical was about to happen! I waited..patiently. The lumber stayed in the pile for several more days. Was it just going to sit there? Perhaps the elves that build arbors were on strike! Then, out came the post-hole digger, level and drill! Action!

Yes! Son built my arbor! This is the first major building project that he has ever attempted alone. It was interesting to watch him measure, calculate and cut the boards so they would fit. I am truly impressed with his determination and ability. That said, I can hardly wait now until these baby grape vines start twirling themselves around the posts and cover this with luscious fruit! The other arbor has Muscadines and Scuppernong vines but this one has cluster grapes. There are three different varieties..a white, a red and a dark purple. I am elated, to say the least, as these will be much easier to pick! This past year, I made jam, jelly and syrup from the wild Muscadines that grow down the lane, but it will be nice to have this fruit right out the back door on my new arbor! Good things do come to those who wait..patiently!

In the rose garden, the arbors are filled with roses and jasmine! The scent wafts through the air and greets you the moment you step on the Bay side of the house. Oh my, is this divine! No candle, potpourri or aerosol freshener could ever smell as nice! I could make a fortune if I could ever bottle this exact is fresh and slightly sweet but such a bewitching scent. I believe creating the rose garden on the South side of the house was one of the smartest things that I have ever done. The Bay breeze floats just enough of the scent of jasmine and rose through the house to make it almost intoxicating. When the stillness of the night descends, the aroma lingers making for sweet dreams! It is hard sometimes for me to realize that this garden is relatively new, as it was created a mere three years ago. This entire area was decimated by Hurricane Katrina and had to be completely redone. I lost every rose bush on the place and was about to give up growing any. Then, a young lady from Tennessee sent me a rose bush. It was a beautiful red rose and she wrote me an explanation that the red rose was her mother's favorite flower before she passed away. She wanted me to have a beautiful rose in memory of her mother. I was so touched by this act of love that I decided then and there to create a rose garden around this one rose bush. I wanted place that I could sit with my morning cup of coffee and contemplate all of the blessings that I have been of which is the friendship of this darling young lady. I had only met her in person once for a few minutes but in my heart she is like a daughter to me. Every time I walk through my rose garden, I cannot help but think of Sweet Toni and the red, red rose. Some day, I hope she be able to visit the Bayou and sit in the rose garden that she inspired. Good things come to those who wait..

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