Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Intruder!

Every evening just as the sun is setting, I make a quick trip down the boardwalk toward the pier. On either side of the path there are old driftwood posts that hold an assortment of bird feeders. The purpose of my nightly trek is to collect these bird feeders and haul them inside, otherwise, the raccoons will surely feast on my birdseed. I have no problem with them having a quick snack or even a full-blown feast..but I do have adverse feelings about them stealing the feeders! If for some reason I miss this evening ritual..the next morning, the feeders are strewn about the hill.

A few evenings ago, there were no raccoons after my feeders. There was a different intruder on the Bayou. Darkness was just about upon me as I caught a glimpse of it to the side of the path. I did not hear it..and could barely see it, but it was there. I could see the glint in its eyes reflected by the waning light. It was almost eerie. I gathered the first of the feeders and headed back to the house. I wondered if the creature would still be there when I returned. It was darker which made it even more difficult to see. I eased down the I reached the first feeder, I stood peering into the darkness where I had last seen it. Where had it gone? One feeder in hand..three more to go..then I saw something out the corner of my eye. It had moved closer to the pier. Thinking that this visitor to the Bayou might be hungry, I called out. It slunk back..more into the shadows. I firmly believe it did not want to have its presence known. I aimed my camera in the general direction of the shadowy figure. Snap! The first picture did not do so well! Snap! This time, I used the flash and just caught the mysterious gleam of two eyes looking at me! The third picture proved that my visitor was of the feline variety..just what kind..I was not sure. I felt that it was a domesticated cat and not a just really did not look like a wildcat. The lack of tail and the long back legs, made me think it must be a Manx. Perhaps it was lost. I called again. No luck..this cat did not want me to befriend it at the moment. I quickly gathered the rest of the feeders and headed back up the hill to the front door. It was dark..too dark to be traipsing around near the marsh. Cottonmouth moccasins do not care to be stepped on any or night and I was sure not planning on finding one the "hard way"!

This evening, the cat was back again as I collected the bird feeders. Again, it stayed in the shadows. Again, I called. No luck...I returned to the house. About thirty minutes after coming inside, I started thinking that it might be lost and hungry so I set a bowl of food out near the steps. At least, it will have one good meal..if it beats the raccoons to the dinner. Walking through the dining room, I stopped to pet Ms Put as she slept on the stairs. I was glad my cat was inside!

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