Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shopping made tolerable!

Breaking News!!! I went shopping today! This would probably not be jaw-dropping news for anyone else but when I tell you that I have not been shopping for months on end, you can see just how newsworthy this is! I do not "go shopping". Oh sure, I run into the local dollar store for milk or dog food but the trip today was actual buying of clothing! Not that I bought a thing for myself..I did not even look at anything in my size. Instead, this was an outing to find a dress for Sweet Daughter-In-Law to wear to a banquet. Trust for her is much more fun than would ever be for me! She is the type that would be gorgeous wearing a potato sack so each item she tried on was beautiful.

We visited two very nice little boutiques. The first was called "Gabrielle's". It was elegantly decorated and had racks of beautiful, unique clothing. Mike greeted us at the door and made us feel welcome immediately. He endeared himself to each patron that entered. Mike is absolutely handsome! I definitely will shop at Gabrielle's again! He had my heart from the moment he tried to get me to play fetch with him!...Oh..did I mention that Mike is the owner's dog? Here Sweet Daughter-In-Law tried on several dresses and I was elated that she chose my favorite in the shop! It had red flowers!!! (My favorite color for her to wear!) Between the two of us, we bought several items before moving to the next place.

The next boutique was called "Lush". I am not sure how they came up with the name or even if I want to know. This was a much smaller place. It is actually located in a restored older house. This little shop was much "homier" and I mean that in a good way. From the moment you walked through the door, it felt as if you were at a neighbor's house. Here there were fewer clothing items but more unique accessories. Some of the pieces were amazingly exquisite! Sweet Daughter-In-Law helped me to chose some pieces for Darling Daughter. Again, I did not shop for myself..again I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

These two little shops are quite close to the house and now that I have visited them, I will be shopping there quite often. It will be nice to have a place to shop for my two girls and know that what I choose for them will be unique and something they like! I hate shopping!..but with little shops like these, I quite truthfully could abhor it a bit less! Especially if Mike will continue to great me with his slobbery tennis ball and a impromptu game of fetch! (I am sorry that I did not take my camera on this outing..I am sure Mike would have posed for a picture!)


  1. Wow! You actually went shopping. Good to see you adventure out. Little shops are always my favorite. I hate the hustle and bustle of large malls and big shopping centers. It is a much more personal experience to relax and be made welcome in a place of business. Since they are close, maybe you will buy something for you. I think you deserve to treat yourself.

  2. Thank you, Judy! I might just do that! These are wonderful little shops and I am elated to find a place to shop for my daughters.
