Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hidden Dangers!

Sometimes you just can't help but smile and go with the flow of whatever is happening. Certain occurrences are just beyond our control and to interfere is fruitless. I like birds. I feed the birds. I watch the birds. None of this makes me a "birder", I just find it relaxing to sit and watch birds of any sort dart in and out the many feeders. Needless to say, I do not like it when something maims or kills one of the birds in the yard. I know it is all a part of nature but still it is a might unsettling to find..ummm..body parts dotted around the lawn. Just as an example, I was out in my favorite chair watching the birds and enjoying the bay breeze when suddenly a hawk swooped down and grabbed one of my feathered friends! I was in shock to say the least! Feathers were flying! The little bird shrieked one last time and it was over. The hawk took its prize back to the nest to be dinner for its hatchlings. I sat there stunned. I was fattening the birds to be supper!

Then today, I intruded upon another incident in the making. Near the berry vines, a predator had camouflaged itself perfectly. Sort of hidden in plain sight. I knew it was only a matter of time before another bird was being munched. This much as I knew what evil lurked..I had to smile. The camouflage work was just too good! I would not have even realized that the danger to birds lurked in the garden had it not been for two tiny flaws in the disguise. Two little, white paws were the only evidence that could be seen. Ms Put had hidden herself well. Like I said, I just couldn't help but smile. I had just told Son that the birds were reeking havoc upon the berries and that we would have to rise before daybreak if we wanted to get our share. We would also have to pick several times a day as the berries ripen in the sunshine. Then..Ms Put went into action..she would save my berries! She hid herself under the Montbretia plants. Their draping leaves provided the perfect cover for her and her black fur blended well with the shadows. If only those two little white paws did not stand out so much! They were like beacons shining in the night! I giggled. Ms Put glared at me. She seemed to say "Go, away! Can't you see that I am working here??". I giggled some more..the birds flew away..Ms Put glared again. Finally, she had enough of this game and dozed off. The birds flew back into the berry vines and
I realized it might be best for me to just let nature take its course..birds eat berries..cats chase birds. I could try to "shoo" the cat from the garden but that would mean that I had to stand watch around the clock. Ms Put is an outdoor cat. She graces us with her presence only when it suits her and then it is usually only during inclement weather. Otherwise..she is outside doing cat things..things like hunting. So..Ms Put was not shooed from the garden..she was allowed to stay and protect the berries..or take a nap!

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