Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Seeing double!

Just yesterday while on the pier, I noticed something that I thought was sort of unique. Seagulls were flying around doing their usual squawking for handouts when two of them decided to take a rest. They both glided in for the easiest landing on the same post. There they stood side by side. Twins! Duplicates! Maybe even carbon copies! Yes, these two were almost identical. Granted it is quite difficult to tell one bird from another, but still..sitting there on the post, it was almost uncanny how near identical they were. This started me thinking...(uh oh!)...how often there are twins in nature and we never think about it. Things are naturally paired but unless an oddity is present the similarities go unnoticed. So..here are a few lookalikes!

These geese come to visit the Bayou quite regularly. This pair seem to be quite friendly and seem to enjoy having portraits made. They are also regular patrons of the fine buffet set out at my cousin's house just down the shore from my place.

Here, two rose-breasted grosbeaks search for seeds from the feeders. These are two of the several that stopover during migration. They will feed up, rest a bit and then continue their journey.

On the other hand, these mourning doves will stay here year round. Some of the tamest birds on the Bayou, the doves will actually walk right up within arm's reach of where I sit in my favorite chair.

These Indigo Buntings seem to be cut from the same pattern. Their bright blue feathers add quite a bit of color to the yard when they pass through during migration.

Baby squirrels are always cute but when there are two...my goodness! How adorable!!! Scampering around in the big oak trees, their antics are doubly fun to watch!

Yes, there are definitely more than twins here, but these little raccoons are almost identical!

These green anoles must be siblings as they hatched on the same day. These were only about three inches long..tiny little things!

Even the plants have twins! In this picture, honeysuckle blossoms look like mirror images of each other.

The smaller of these two mushrooms appears to be a copycat of its larger relative. The only apparent difference is their size!

Blossoms of all types have twins. These roses can make you think you have double-vision! With roses, though, when you have two blooms..you have double aroma! Ummmm!

So many lookalikes! It would definitely be hard to distinguish one from another when dealing with a lot of Mother Nature's works!

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