Monday, May 16, 2011

While the feet amble, the mind rambles!

I do a good bit of walking everyday. Not particularly as a "fitness" regime but more because I like to be outside and I like to meander around looking at whatever happens to be in my path. No matter how many times I take the same route around the property, I always manage to see something new, different or just interesting. So..the mind rambles as I amble.

The peach orchard needed tending today, so Son and I grabbed a couple of small buckets and headed out back. Each day there has been a raccoon that scurries up the corner post, barges right across to "hot" wires and enters to eat its fill. By "hot" wires, I am referring to a solar-powered electric fence. There are two strands of this wire that are strung above the chicken wire fence. It does pack a pretty good wallop but this does not seem to faze the raccoon at all. I put more strands of hot wire? Do I get a stronger charger? Or do I just let the raccoon eat my peaches? Today, we picked any semi-ripe fruit and made ten pints of jam. At least that 'coon isn't getting everything!

On my meandering, I came across the cutest little bird. The tiny Brown-headed Nuthatch was visiting the feeders and was all fluffed out due to the chilly wind. Chilly wind? Yes, for some strange reason, we are having a cool spell here on the Bayou. This is not supposed to happen in May!!! (Perhaps this all goes back to an explanation that I gave in an earlier post about April being late this year! A slip of the tongue..instead of Easter being late!) Anyway the tiny Nuthatch was filling his belly and preparing for a chilly night. I can imagine that its small size makes it difficult to stay warm. Go back to your nest, Little One!

Under the citrus trees, the Inca or Peruvian Lilies are blooming! I love these lilies simply because they are something that my Aunt Marie and Uncle Alfred gave to me years ago! I remember that they had them planted by their steps that went down toward the Bay. I was always fascinated by the unusualness of the blooms and now, every time mine bloom, they bring back fond childhood memories of times spent with my aunt and uncle..wonderful people!

Building Codes! I am so thinking that someone should create building codes for the birds! Not all birds but mainly for the Mourning Doves. These sweet birds have no clue when it comes to building a sturdy structure. A pair have decided to nest on top of the grape arbor. Not a bad place, but my goodness, this is a shoddy nest! There are approximately ten twigs haphazardly twined together to form a base. How in the world the eggs are supposed to balance on this is beyond me! Every year, I am amazed that any baby doves survive at all..for that matter, how any of the eggs hatch in the first place!

Shoo Fly! Or more aptly put, Shoe Fly. On one of the fig trees in the back of the house, I came across a huge..maybe two inch long bug! I am not sure just what it is or if it would bite, sting or otherwise maltreat me. I just know that it was interesting because it appeared to be wearing little yellow shoes! Now, not many bugs wear tiny, yellow shoes or any shoes at all for that matter! This large, flying insect was black with a red splotch on its body underneath its wings. As large as it was, I was certainly relieved to find that it was quite timid and tried to steer clear of me! Shoes..tiny, yellow shoes!

I leave you with one last thought..isn't it relaxing to view a a small bunch of flowers in a window? There is just something calming about either a vase of cut flowers or even a pot of tulips. Both of these flowers made me smile so I had to share the pictures with you. The vase of flowers were some that I picked from the garden. I had intended to leave them on the kitchen table but they just looked so happy in the window. The tulips were a gift from my sweet daughter-in-law and son. The fiery, red blooms have been brightening my windowsill for about a week now. Go out and pick a handful of ditch daisies, stick them in a jar, place it on the windowsill and see if this doesn't just make your day wonderful! I guarantee they will bring a smile and lower the stress level! Ahhhh...happy!

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