Saturday, April 21, 2012

After Dark...

I went out last evening to take Sunny, the pup, out for a late walk to her "spot" when I suddenly encountered a very pleasant scent.  I must admit that this was quite unusual considering the duty that was being performed by the dog.  I knew that somewhere another flower was in bloom but when I was making my rounds earlier, nothing had caught my eye.  After the pup was ready to head back indoors, I meandered a bit.  With the small flashlight (which was dying a slow death from dead batteries!), I searched the area.  I was surprised to see that the flowers were literally right beneath my feet! Before dark, I had seen a patch of weeds and had thought that I really needed to cut the grass.  Those weeds were in full bloom this evening!  A profusion of yellow blossoms were adorning those weeds! I looked closer at one of the blooms and took notice of the cross shaped stamen..ahhh..this was a type of Primrose and by the night-blooming characteristic.. one of the several Evening Primroses!

Evening Primroses are considered to have a broad range of medicinal uses by herbalists.  They are valued in treating everything from headaches to baldness!  Some folks even tout that the herb can induce labor in pregnant women and cure laziness in those prone to such inactivity!  The plant will grow readily in any sandy soil without any care and will bloom most of the summer. It is a happy, little yellow blossom that will darken to a rosy red with age.  Known to reseed themselves, it is better to let them grow where they may as attempting to transplant them is usually met with poor results.  The seeds can be collected and sown in the garden but if too much fertilizer or water is applied, the plants will not flourish.  Weed?  Flower?  Herb?  I suppose this all depends on who you are asking.  For me?....I say "All three!"


Finding an Evening Primrose is not at all uncommon to anyone that traipses around after dusk but unless you are out after dark, you will never see them in their full glory!  By morning, most of the blossoms will have closed and some will appear wilted and sickly.  By night, however, they are glorious!  Maybe I am just looking for a reason not to mow the yard but for some reason, it will be hard for me to cut these!  They are wildflowers!  Wild, free and not contained in some garden boundaries!  Plus..they brought a smile to my face.  After a bit of reveling in the aroma of the blooms, I realized that Sunny had started to graze upon my Primroses!  This pup will eat anything!  It was back to the house for us! Good night, Primroses!

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