Saturday, August 18, 2012

Something's Missing!

There is something missing from the Bayou this summer! I have been awaiting the annual occurrence of the arrival of the Fiddler Crabs. They are usually highly visible from about July through September but for some reason, here it is August and no Fiddler Crabs can be seen. This puzzles me a bit because ever since I can remember, the crabs have come. Their burrows would always dot the mud banks causing them to resemble some giant sponge. Thousands upon thousands of the crabs would scamper across the mudflats. The males would wave their ridiculously large claw around as they threatened all the other males to stay away from their territory. But not this Fiddler Crabs are not here. They are no where to be seen on the Bayou. It seems strange..eerie..just plain not right. Where, oh, where are my Fiddler Crabs?

The mudflats with nary a Fiddler Crab!

I pondered the fact of the non-appearing crabs. There has to be some explanation. Although it is disappearing at a rapid rate, the marsh seems to be healthy. All of the other wildlife seem to be thriving even without the easy meals that the crabs supplied. The rails, herons and egrets have all resorted to fishing and asking for handouts instead of gorging themselves upon the crustaceans. The otters, raccoons and foxes are not scouring the mudflats for meals as the crabs are not easy-pickings like they usually are. Where, oh, where are my Fiddler Crabs?

Fiddler Crabs as they usually are on the mudflats.

I asked around but not one other person has noticed the missing crabs. I suppose they are just not important enough to most folks..they are to me. Not that I depend upon these little creepy-crawlers to serve any important service for me, it is just that I know the health of my Bayou depends on an equal balance of nature. Take out one of the elements and something else suffers. That balance is what it is all is necessary. Perhaps my crabs are just late this year..perhaps they have taken up residence in the middle of the marsh where I cannot readily see them..perhaps there is some unseen peril that has befallen my Bayou. All in all..I miss the little guys skittering across the mudflats like some huge swarm of spiders! Where, oh , where are my Fiddler Crabs????

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