Monday, August 20, 2012

The Lawn Gnome's Competition!

I have always thought that Lawn Gnomes are rather cute little additions to the garden..someone else's garden.  It is not that I mind the little guys dwelling in the yard but they could do something beside just stand there!  I mean, my goodness, pull a few weeds, turn on the water hose or even smack a few bugs now and again just to prove you are useful!  Nope, they stand or loll..depending on whichever type you have.  There are several Lawn Gnomes dotted around in the gardens near the Little Bayou House.  Most of these were gifted to the garden by well-meaning folks who thought that the whimsical little guys would feel right at home.  Obviously, the Gnomes did because these never did roam like that one in the commercial on television!  (Rats!)

Today, I was out weeding a bit in the zinnia bed when I spied the Lawn Gnome's competition.  I had forgotten all about this fellow!  The flood waters of Katrina washed many strange and wondrous things into my yard.  The hill was literally buried with debris but some of those things remain.  While we were clearing the junk, occasionally something would strike a chord and I could not toss it on the junk pile.  That is how I came it possession of the "Lawn Santa"!  Yep, there on an old tree stump sat the Lawn Santa in all his glory. This is just a plastic Santa used for seasonal decorations.  After Christmas, most folks would pack it away in some attic or closet and it would not be seen again for about ten months or so.  Not here!  Old Lawn Santa stays out year round!  He sits proudly on his tree stump perch and surveys the gardens!

I know visitors to the garden probably think either I am a tad loco or a good bit lazy since the Lawn Santa stays in the garden all the time.  Perhaps these folks are correct on both accounts but I just figure if the Santa can withstand the forces of the worst hurricane to ever hit the area, he deserves a bit of respect.  His colors are faded and he is missing one hand but he stands on..I do not have the heart to toss him.  So...Lawn Gnomes of the out!  You have competition!  The Lawn Santa is here to stay!

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