Sunday, September 2, 2012

So long, Little One...Be Good!

It is all too quiet in the Little Bayou House tonight.  Robbie and Elizabeth (son-in-law and daughter) came in on the heels of Hurricane Isaac and spent a whirlwind visit over the weekend.  It was far too short of a visit for my taste..I wish they could have stayed much, much longer.  Their happy voices made this a wonderful time but now it is almost smothering quiet.  Even Ezzy, the dog, realizes that it is far different now...Sunny, the pup, is gone.  One of the purposes of the visit from Robbie and Elizabeth was to take Sunny back to their home in Columbus, Mississippi.  My rowdy charge has now gone to stay in her forever home.  Already, it seems far different.  Ms. Ez is wanting to sleep on my feet and there is no thump, thump, thump of Sunny's tail on the old wood floor. Her coming to the Little Bayou House proved to be different and a bit challenging..her leaving the Little Bayou House is going to be different and a bit challenging.  I never thought that I would say this but I miss the little imp!

Sunny at the age when she first came to stay at the Little Bayou House.

With Ms. Ez missing her little friend, I thought I had better start getting her back into our routine right away.  It has been a long time since I had been able to take hikes with just Ezzy.  Whenever I would leave Sunny (either inside the house or in the Rose Garden), she would howl like a banshee!  The first time I left her inside the house by herself, that siren-pitched yowl could be heard all the way to the end of the pier!  Not wanting to have her disturb any neighbors that might be in a fifty mile radius, I took to leaving Ezzy behind to keep her company.  Ms. Ez was not so happy about this but took it all in stride.  When I opened the door late this afternoon to head to the pier, she never moved.  She thought she still had to stay inside even though the pup was nowhere to be found.  When I called to her, she just raised her head as if to say "I have to stay here with Sunny." I asked her if she wanted to go to the pier and she was out the door in about three seconds flat!  She romped like a puppy herself.  Once down near the marsh edge, she found a ball that had washed in with the high tides of Isaac.  It was about the size of a soccer ball but looked like a large tennis ball.  There was no stopping her now!  We played ball for nearly an hour and never made it to the pier. The Green Heron went hungry this evening but at least Ezzy had fun.

Sunny and Ezzy playing with rope during a break in Hurricane Isaac.

Life is going to be different.  It was a big change having Sunny here with us and will be a bigger change now that she is gone.  I am happy, can get back to normal for Ez and me and life will be good for the pup.  She will have Robbie and Elizabeth trained in no time!


  1. Thank you so much for taking such wonderful care of her! We had Sunny outside this morning, and she kept looking for her friend. She saw her reflection in the window, and I think she was wondering why it wouldn't play with her!

    1. Awww, You are most welcome! Ms. Ez misses her little friend as well. Last night she grabbed onto her blanket and dragged it over to where Sunny used to sleep. I think she missed her and was hoping she might reappear during the night. But Sunny will be so much better off in her forever home!
