Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Thing from Beneath the Mud! or The Bayou Blob!

My meanderings were cut short this morning by the urgent need to finish a project that I started a few days ago.  I have been shoving furniture this way and that trying to find places for everything.  The Little Bayou House has started to resemble a Flea Market or Thrift Store!  There is honestly more stuff coming into the house than is ever going out!  I thought sure when my kids started growing up and moving out on their own, I would be able to pass furniture and other treasures on to them but that has not happened.  Consequently, decades of accumulated stuff jams every corner of the house.  It has to go!  I was elated to find that the senior citizens' group is having a garage sale/fund raiser!  This proved to be the perfect inspiration for me to get started but somewhere in the midst of going through junk, I have run out of gas, so to speak!  This is a tougher job than I imagined!  So as I said, my meanderings were cut short.

Still while I was on the pier, a strange, almost eerie thing occurred.  With low tide, the mudflats were all exposed.  This time of year, there is not a lot of activity on the flats.  The Fiddler Crabs are scarce so the shore birds do not waste their time hunting.  As I wandered back up the pier, a "wiggle" in the mud attracted my attention.  I was thinking that some critter was working its way up from beneath the mud but I was wrong!  This was no critter...or at least I do not think it was!  As I watched a large air bubble burst forth through the mud.  Splat!  It left a hole which then started oozing a opalescent green blob!  It grew and grew until it was about the size of a golf ball and then it began to shrink and flatten.  After a few minutes it was down to about the size of a bottle cap and sat there sort of pulsating!  What in the world was this thing?  I thought about poking it with a stick but it was too far out of my reach so all I could do is sit and stare at it.  It quivered a bit and belched a few air bubbles before it settled down to just glisten in the morning sun!  What was this?  I still have no idea...it looks like a bit of algae?  Perhaps?  But to come bubbling up out of the mud in such a dramatic way was rather interesting to say the least!  Is this how the folks that claim we evolved from pond scum envisioned it happening!  We bubbled up out of the mud like some pearlized blob!  Once there, we decided that living in the mud was not for us and we scampered ashore!  Hmmmm...staring at that pulsating, shimmering green blob....I sure hope not!

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