Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Wise Old Owl and the Sweet Lady!

I have a very sweet sister-in-law who brightens up my day tremendously whenever she visits the Little Bayou House.  The other day Reva came and remarked at how delightful the house smelled.  Well, living on a bayou, I can assure you that this is not always the case.  A lot of times, it smells a lot like fish..or crabs..or shrimp..or even low tide if the wind is in the right direction but this time she was so right!  The house did smell nice!  I had lit a little votive candle under the scented wax "tart" and it filled the house with the sweet smell of hydrangeas! What timing this was!  Her visit and the wonderful scent wafting through the house coincided perfectly!  It surprised me that she had never seen the scented wax warmers.  Reva is usually one of those people who knows all about the nicer things that make a house a home. (Her home is gorgeously decorated and so welcoming to all that visit.)  I showed her the little vessel that is used to hold the scented wax and how to place the "tart" in the top with the votive candle beneath.  Reva oohed and aahed which made me feel awfully important and knowledgeable!  Out of impulse, I gave her a small warmer and a few tarts.  The dear, sweet lady thanked me profusely!

A few days later, Reva came back to the Little Bayou House bearing a gift!  She had found the cutest wax warmer!  It is in the shape of a little owl!  How perfect for the Little Bayou House!  And to think, I am just starting to decorate the place for Fall!  The owl will be the perfect addition to my decorations!  I pondered just where to place the little owl.  After much thought, I found the perfect place.  It will sit on top of the china cabinet right next to an antique framed verse about a "Wise  Old Owl".  This verse was given to me by Mom, years and years ago.  She said it reminded her of my son, Michael (the man of few words!).  Now, two very special items sit close together and remind me of two very special ladies.  Thank you, Sweet Reva!

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