Friday, October 5, 2012

Creatures from Inky Waters and Creatures made from Ink!

There was a lovely sunrise this morning!

I was up early this morning!  Too early!  At just about three o'clock, I was wide awake and ready for a cup of coffee!  So...out of bed and into the kitchen I went!  After downing the first mug, I thought that I might head to the pier.  Ms. Ez thought that I was a tad loco but she tagged along anyway.  She probably thought that she had better keep an eye on me as I was acting a bit out of the norm!  On the pier, it was dark!  The only light was from the three-quarter moon that was still directly overhead.  It was peaceful in an eerie sort of way!  Then..I got the bright idea that I should be fishing if I was on the pier so I started looking for minnows to use as bait.  This proved a bit difficult because the water was inky black..well, everything was inky black! Then I heard a little splash! Aha! Bait!  I tossed the net in the general direction of the splish-splash sound and to my surprise instead of minnows, something large..very large dove away from the net!  What was that!  The net was being tugged this way and that!  Then whatever it was, broke free. The wake from the critter moved quickly to the east for about ten feet.  Then..a head popped up out of the water!  An otter stared at me in disbelief and then had the nerve to start barking at me!  I guess he did not like being nearly entrapped in the netting!  (And, I hate to tell Mark this but there is a rather..ummm...large hole in the net!)  It seems that otters are quite adept at ripping out of a net!  I had to start giggling at the critter as he fussed and fussed at me!  All the while, Ms. Ez merely stood and watched!  Crazy dog!  I could have been pulled into the water by the "Fierce Creature of Inky Bayou Waters" and she would have not cared!  Instead of leaping into action and protecting me from all evil, she was eyeing the torn net as if there were minnows for her to eat!  Oh, my goodness!

After the encounter with the otter, I was not able to catch any fish.  My day was not starting off too well!  But at least I still had lots of day left to change all of that!  It was only five o'clock when I ventured back into the Little Bayou House.  I thought of the morning's event and decided that I needed to train Ezzy to be a more aggressive watchdog!  She should be strong..she should be valiant..she should be ferocious!  I turned to see her on her bed with her paw over her nose. use.  That dog will never be anything but a big, overgrown puppy!

Now for a bit of Halloween!  The mantel in the dining room is decorated in what I call "Implied Creep".  None of that gore stuff is in my house!  Again..I do not mind skeletons, skulls, ghosts and goblins but keep that blood and guts stuff away from me!  The "Implied Creep" gives the insinuation that something dire is about the place but is not sickening!  With a few black candle sticks, some creepy cloth, a string purple lights, bits of antique jewelry and a couple of old books and the mantel was starting to take shape!  The old, haunted house feel was starting to come about!  Think Abbot and Costello of their escapades might take place in the Little Bayou House by the time it is fully decorated!

I did place one piece of whimsy on the mantel as the "unexpected piece".   Using the program "Paint" on the computer, I drew a spider and web.  Superimposed over this I typed "Along came a spider..".  This was another idea that I got while searching for decorating hints.  I thought "I can do this!" and I did!  This cute little picture was printed, framed and stuck on an easel atop some old books. Amazing what a little ink can do!  The mantel is finished!  October is fun!

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