Sunday, November 11, 2012

A diner called "The Hole"

I recall that over the years, several folks described certain restaurants as it is just a "hole in the wall".  This description was meant that the place was just a tiny, homey place.  This was usually a place where you could feel comfortable all the while eating some really tasty home-cooking.  I know of several places that fit this description perfectly...the diner is just a hole in the wall.  The food is good and the company is always better.  Yep...that is my kind of place!  None of this fancy-smancy, "high-end", hundred dollar a plate places for me!  Give me a good bowl of red beans and rice with a sides of coleslaw, cornbread and maybe a glass of sweet tea....woooo, I am totally happy!

Sometimes the restaurants are not even for humans.  Mark and I were out and about the hillside when we came across a "hole in the wall" diner that was for the critters.  It was literally a hole in the wall..err..tree limb.  At first, thought the tiny woodpecker was excavating a winter home for itself.  The tree limb would provide adequate protection from the cold north wind and the cold rains of winter but this was not the case!  This was not a was a diner!  The bird would poke his head in the hole and rummage about a bit then emerge with a large bug.  The dead tree was obviously infested with critters and this bird was getting his supper!  If I am correct, this is a Downy Woodpecker. It is the smallest woodpecker in North America.  Even with its small size, it is quite able to drill large holes in trees.  Downy Woodpeckers will also forage bugs that infest reeds and even wood siding on houses and buildings.  They have no problem drilling holes wherever there is a food source...tree, grasses or houses!

This little fellow was drilling away in the tree.  The hole was already large enough for the bird to completely crawl inside to catch its prey.  In and and out he went.  Each time he ventured inside, he would exit with a bug!  The Diner was obviously well-stocked and he was getting his fill! Later on, the bird might just decide to seek shelter in this hole but for was just a hole-in-the-wall diner.

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