Monday, November 19, 2012

Happiness is where you find it....

I have said it before that sometimes you just have to smile.  There are so many things around us on any given day that could bring wide grins to our faces if we would just allow the happiness to flow.  I find some of the most mundane things totally elating!  There are things around the Bayou that most folks would either shrug at and walk on past or would find remotely repulsive...I find them fascinating and wonderful.  These things bring smiles to my face and joy to my heart.  Son always says that it does not take a lot to make me happy and I guess he is right.  Bayou life is not for everyone but those of us who can find the beauty and joy in simple things, find the situation down right perfect.  This is our little "land of paradise"!

Today while we were in the garden, Michael made the proclamation again.  His words made me realize that I had a broad grin on my face while grubbling around in the dirt. I was happy!  What better reason is there it smile than being happy in what you do?  Actually, I was bubbling over with a bit of happy...the ginger plants had made wonderful roots!  I use a lot of fresh ginger root in both my cooking and in my home remedies.  It is one of those all-usage herbs that can go from spicing up stir-fry to seasoning a pie to healing most every ailment the body can have.  A ready supply of fresh ginger root right outside the doorway should be reason enough to make anyone happy!  It does me.

Another smile brought on by the herb garden was the overabundance of chives!  There are bundles and bundles of the oniony-goodness spilling over into the basil!  The tops of each plant was covered with black seeds!  Handful after handful of these seeds were picked and brought inside.  These will be planted in spring in hopes of extending the herb garden.  The chives will overwinter fine in the garden but I did not want to lose all of the seeds as I plan on creating more herb gardens.  It will be much easier just to plant new seeds than to transplant existing plants.

After a full day of smiles in the garden, I had one last smile late in the evening.  The sunset over the Bay was gorgeous!  What a perfect ending to an absolutely wonderful day.  A happy day filled with smiles..smiles made entirely possible by being able to find beauty and fascination in all things.  The Bayou life suits me just fine.

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