Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sensory Delight!!!

  For the past few years, I have been reading and getting an earful from well-meaning folks about the so-called invasive species.  Yep, there are species of both flora and fauna that can be classified as invasive. Usually, these have been brought in from other countries as novelties and just never left.  Now they have a foothold and are making a major nuisance of themselves.  One such invasive species is what we call Mimosa.  The tree is actually called something like Albizia Julibrissin but since that is far to difficult to say or even remember, Mimosa is the favored name.  It is on that all-hated "Invasive Species" list as one that will "take over" and push out native plants.  It does, indeed, spread like wildfire...but it IS a pretty wildfire plant!  I happen to like the Mimosa trees in the yard.  I did not plant them nor cultivate them.  They just happened so I left them.  I have had several folks beg for "starts" of the tree and I have happily obliged.  These same folks have come back to report that the tree did not fare so well.  It seems that the saplings are a favorite food of deer and rabbits.  I knew that the rabbits gnawed the bark but was in the dark about the deer.  It makes sense, though, that if one critter likes to munch something, others will follow.

  Late this evening, Ms. Ez, the dog, and I were taking a last minute hike about the hillside.  When we made our way back behind the greenhouse, I suddenly caught a whiff of something delightful!  Even Ms. Ez held her head high and sniffed!  The large Mimosa trees were in full bloom!  Wow!  I did not want to head back into the house.   Mother Nature was bombarding the Bayou with her own form of aromatherapy! The sweet, spicy yet flowery scent was nigh on intoxicating!

  It is a well-known fact down here in the Deep South, that certain scents can change the mood.  With our Jasmine, Mimosa (Albizia) and Southern Magnolias, we have our share of the most delightful aromas to tickle the senses.  Perhaps that is why true southerners have the reputation of being a bit more laid-back and more hospitable that folks dealing with the rat race in some big metropolis.  The image of a front porch furnished with rocking chairs sets the stage.  As the sun drops below the pines, the heavenly scent of the Sweet Three...Mimosa, Magnolia and Jasmine starts to linger heavy on the air.  Just as you are starting to enjoy the evening, crickets and frogs begin their nightly serenade near the pond.  At first, this seems like a cacophony that reaches deafening heights but then it mellows and becomes part of the southern night.  It doesn't get much better than this.  (Well, maybe if you add a tall glass of icy sweet tea!)  Yep, the senses are on overload!  Come sit a spell and enjoy life.


  1. These are some of my all time favorite trees! Always loved them.

    1. I have some rooted for you. When you get your new house, you will be able to have some in your yard!
