Saturday, November 21, 2015

Battlefields of Thoughts....Strange

  Have you ever just let your imagination wander where it wants?  I let mine fly about the universe and back just so I am not bored.  I think this is probably a personal tics as a eccentric sort of person.  Yes, I have been labeled as eccentric and that is ok considering what folks could call me.  I suppose that I am a bit unconventional in some ways and so the imagination usually wins out when I am the least bit bored with a day. Let it fly!  It takes a grand imagination to get those creative juices flowing.

  I was flipping through some of my older photographs this afternoon when I came across one that sort of stuck out like a sore thumb.  No, it was not a bad picture by was just different.  My camera sees a lot of horizons as sunrise and sunset settings seem to be ideal for meditation.  These are my quiet times so it is only fitting preserve the views.  The photograph in question is of a sunrise of a couple of months ago.  It was only today, however, that I found the picture intriguing.  In my brain, the wheels started to turn and soon the seemingly serene setting turned to one of turmoil.  The horizon was now a battlefield of good and evil.  Why?  I have no clue but it appeared that the clouds were at odds with one another and an epic clash was taking place.  Dark grey clouds barely rumbled across the pine trees while tall brilliant orange columns lunged towards each other in conflict.  The weather was at war with itself. Dragons in battle. Hmmm...what a strange thought.

  I am not sure just why my thoughts turned to skirmishing weather fronts but it did make for an interesting few minutes.  The horizon gives me a never-ending, ever-changing bit of scenery.  It is the perfect backdrop for any number of creative projects.  Lets just hope none come to being a battlefield for my thoughts.

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