Monday, November 9, 2015

Seemingly out of place...

  I am gradually getting used to not having the old Bayou Dog by my side on hikes about the hillside.  I still have not ventured too far from the house but a lot of that is due to the inclement weather we have been having as of late.  It is on the cool side and with the drizzly rain, I prefer to hang about inside the Little Bayou House where it is warm and snug.  I do head to the pier to check on the old skiff but, other than that, I am housebound.

  Here lately, I have been seeing quite the number of large boats in the channel across the Bay.  These things look a little out of proportion for our small body of water.  I suppose these crafts are heading to the shipyard or some such place for repairs.  I know for a fact that they are not just cruising about the channel for fun.  It does amuse me to hear the loud blasts coming from beyond the trees when the boats near one of the bridges.  The noise reminds me of the old foghorns that were ever present in foggy shoreline scenes in movies from long ago.  The long, rolling thunder of the horns come in about ten minute intervals both night and day.  I am getting used to hearing them but have to admit that when I first heard them, I was a bit perplexed.  Nothing this large has entered the Bay in quite some time.

  I studied the logo on the side of a recent craft and found it to be a marine medical emblem.  Perhaps these are supply boats that head out to the oil rigs.  It makes sense that these crafts need to be in tiptop shape to make that long (sometimes rough) run.  In the meantime, it makes for an interesting scene up this far in the Bay.

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