Thursday, November 26, 2015

Simple Blessings

  Today being Thanksgiving, I did all the expected things that a mom has to do.  I got up roasted the turkey, finished preparing the side dishes and set the table.  Things were going smoothly as I had plenty of help.  Both Mark and Son were on hand for any chores that called for assistance. This made the day easy for me.  One of the things that was strictly my task was setting the table.  If it was up to the guys, the this part of a meal would consist of  "setting" their plateful of food on the table before eating it.  I prefer to have the table look nice at least for a few minutes before plates are piled with goodies and folks commence their munching.  It was this time that got me thinking.

  The tablescape was simple this time as we are simple folks.  There is no need for flashy decorations or fine linens.  A plaid throw, a couple of vases of dried marsh plants and three small Thanksgiving candles was all it took to portray the mood.  Mom's turkey plates, Aunt Betty's green glasses, my grandmother's pine needle vase (and my copy!) and my grandmother's candles made the place look festive without being overbearing. life on the Bayou.  

  Simple blessings can sometimes far outweigh the most elaborate of gifts.  An early morning walk with Mark, (the best husband in the world), the time spent with Son as we baked yesterday,  the few minutes that I had to chat with my oldest son who is overseas, sharing a bit of conversation and a few ideas for herbal tea blends with my sweet daughter-in-law, giggles, stories and more giggles between Darling Daughter and myself as we unpacked Christmas decorations, hugs from my son-in-law...all count as simple, yet wonderful blessings.  Food to eat, a cozy, little house, fresh air to breathe, firewood for the old wood-stove, a winter garden and comfy clothes to wear...all taken for granted, yet true blessings.  We are granted so many blessings that we overlook in our hectic lives.  Simple....yet abundant.  Simple....yet perfect.  Simple blessings.

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