Thursday, December 24, 2015


  Sometimes the hubbub of the holidays can catch one off-guard.  The stress can become overwhelming and all of the glitz and glitter just adds to that feeling of being smashed to pieces.  It is times like those that it is best to back off a bit and simplify things.  This is what I did this Christmas.  While I am usually one who goes all out for the holidays (any holiday!), I was just not "feeling it" this Christmas.  So...I simplified things.  I pared the decorations down to a minimum, chopped that gift-giving list down to rock bottom,  baked only a small portion of the usual thousands of cookies and just let go of the feeling of obligation that comes with all of the trappings of the season.  A mostly unadorned tree stands in the living room with just a few special gifts beneath its softly lighted limbs, a few sprigs of fresh pine and some paper snowflakes grace the windows and the scent of anise cookies wafts from the kitchen.  Yep, a nice, simple, down-to-earth Christmas.

  I feel relieved to say the least.  Not that I am in any sort of "Christmasy Spirit" but at least I am not feeling bombarded with additional chores. Since Son and I are the only ones at home this Eve before Christmas, there is no need for last minute preparations.  He is good with whatever comes and I am sitting here with my feet propped up while sipping on a cup of tea.  Not bad...not bad at all.

  While I admit that next Christmas might see me bedecking the entire house, yard and pier again, it is sort of nice to have had a relaxing holiday season this year.  The paring down of all the stress of the holidays does not mean that I do not still love the meaning behind the day! My wish to you may be simple but it is heartfelt.  May the Peace, Love and Joy of Christmas be with you, not only for the one day but for each day of the coming year.  Merry Christmas, my friends, Merry Christmas. 

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