Sunday, December 27, 2015

Treasure Hunt!

  Son is pet sitting for Darling Daughter and her husband while they are out of town visiting his folks.  It is not often that I have the opportunity to "clean" his room (and we all know how moms think rooms are not clean unless they do them!) so I am taking full advantage of this!  I have decided to "deep clean" the entire house starting with his room. Hopefully, I will finish with his territory before he returns tomorrow. Anyway, while I was tackling the usual clutter that amasses atop dressers, I had to sit back for a few minutes and ponder things.  Hanging on the wall over his chest of drawers is a door panel.  Yep, a door panel...or at least I assume that is what the thing is.  

  Years ago when he headed off to college, I did a similar deep clean of his room.  It was a lot easier then since he took most everything with him.  I was assured of the fact that whatever I tossed was not needed. Now, I am not so certain.  But during that other purging of the attic room, I had a wild hair to redecorate (not this time!).  Since his room was painted a deep grey and he loved black and red, that set the theme.  He also had a penchant for Asian art ever since my aunt gave him a water-color painting that she had gotten on a long-ago trip to China.  That started this whole thing!  I hung that piece of art and things went from there.  This was right after Hurricane Katrina and it just so happened that I "rescued" a few items from the debris mounds that filled the property.  One was the aforementioned door panel.  This item was special. Well, maybe not to too many folks but I deemed it worth keeping. The panel was black lacquer with mother of pearl inlay and was just far too pretty to toss aside in the trash heap.  So, I kept it and it soon was hung in his room.  From trash to treasure perfectly describes the piece! A few other items, such as his sword collection and an oriental screen polished off the look.  

  I figure that Son must have been pleased with his room as he did not change a thing when he moved back home.  Oh....other than bringing back a ton of stuff.  It is that stuff and years of added stuff that needed purging today.  Old school books, an accumulated mound of tools and some older clothes all found their way downstairs and either in the trash or out to the shed.  The room looks so much better already!  

  I must say that the door panel and the other nifty things will stay and, at least for a little while, the room will resemble something from a magazine page!  

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