Thursday, December 31, 2015

Well! That is LOUD!

  As I am sitting here listening to all the booming and banging of fireworks, a thought keeps running through my mind.  While a lot of folks think the shooting of fireworks are all fun and games, I fully disagree.  Yes...they do help celebrate the holidays.  Yes, there is a long tradition of doing such.  Yes, they are LOUD and some....SOME are pretty.  But there should be a place for these things, a time limit and there should be an ordinance about cleaning up the mess afterwards. There are laws...sort of laws...they are just not enforced (which is "sort of" understandable.)  

  My complaints are not at all about the fun folks are having.  That is great.  My issue is about the "where" mainly.  At the moment, fireworks are being shot across the Bayou which is not a bad spot unless you happen to live there.  I do...along with thousands of critters that are most likely scared out of their wits about now.  Earlier today, I was out watering the plants in the greenhouse when I noticed a beautiful Great Egret striding about the Bayou.  The north wind had pushed most of the water out into the Bay leaving just a small rivulet.  The bird was scooping up trapped fish.  It was a most beautiful and serene scene....until....

  Boom....boom....rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat...boom.  It was midday and already someone was shooting fireworks.  The egret was startled and took flight letting out a series of frightened squawks.  Awww, poor bird probably thought someone was shooting at it...and in a sense they were.  The fireworks shot over the Bayou and landed not far from where the bird was fishing.  

  Now, tonight, the fireworks are continuous.  Thousands and thousands of thunderous rounds are being fired across the marsh.  My poor critters are probably all in hiding.  There will be no feeding tonight for the many nocturnal critters (and no sleep for me).  I just wonder if these same folks would like it if I decided to start shooting fireworks in the opposite sunrise?  And kept it up throughout the day while they were trying to recuperate after a night of partying.  Nah...I could not do that to my poor Bayou friends of the critter sort.  They are going to need rest after this long sleepless night.

  Still, this does not make me feel disdain towards those celebrating.  The New Year should be brought in with a shout of glory!  That said, I wish all of you a most profitable and healthy new year and may each of us show compassion to all....even the critters of the world!  Happy New Year, Folks!  Happy New Year!

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