Saturday, January 9, 2016

If you are going to be a an oak!

  Live Oak Trees have massive and strong roots. To my feeble way of thinking, it seems that we all need a good set of sound roots to survive. Just like the oak tree that stands strong during a hurricane, if our roots are solid and run deep, we can withstand most anything that is thrown against us. 

  I was pondering this fact as I hiked down the hillside to the old oak tree that sits near the marsh edge. This tree has been here as long as I can remember.   During their childhood years, my kids climbed the limbs and pretended to conquer the world.  Like a kindly grandfather, the tree wrapped its limbs about them and cradled them from falling.  It protected them.  Now, I gain a lot of strength from this old tree.  Its roots tie me to the Bayou.  It limbs shelter me from storms.  It just plumb makes me happy.  In the midst of Hurricane Katrina, Mark and I watched as the storm surge sent huge waves over the top of the tree's limbs.  At the time, we thought sure that the old oak would topple.  It did not.  It held strong and survived where as dozens of other trees were uprooted.  The oak tree's roots ran deep.  They sprawled out in many directions and each grabbed hold to the soil with a massive strength.  Our tree withstood the beating and never faltered.  

  We need to be more like that old tree.  If we could send down good, solid roots as to have stability and yet throw our arms skyward to show compassion, our own lives would be far better.

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