Thursday, January 7, 2016

Seeing Things in a Different Light

  Sunrise is probably my favorite time of day.  Sunrises are some of my favorite views.  I just like the freshness of a new day and being presented with a fantastic light show gives me a added boost.  Mornings are great.  Occasionally, the light show on the horizon is spectacular. The blend of colors runs amok and includes just about a whole crayon box of hues spilling out of the clouds and onto the waters of the Bayou. It is those sunrises that hold me spellbound while I watch the kaleidoscopic view unfold.  

  Then, there are the unexplained "cloud" formations that become visible with the rising sun.  A tall, spiraling bit of clouds turned into a gleaming, orange tower on the horizon this morning.  I had gone out to grab an armload of firewood when I spotted the phenomenon.  A quick trip to the pier allowed me to capture the beauty as it unfolded before me.  As I watched, I pondered.

  The only logical explanation has to be contrail left behind some jet that flew over before sunrise.  The contrail was caught by the north wind which caused the tower to lean precariously southward.  This north wind also widened and twirled the contrail.  It caused the top to "feather" giving the whole thing a soft look.  Then came along old Mr. Sun who dabbled it with orange.  Ahh, yes!  This is how I love looking at things!

  Later today, another plane left a contrail in almost the exact same spot on the horizon.  While this one was interesting, it lacked the beauty of the one caught in the rising sun's glow.  A bit of lighting can make all the difference in the world!

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