Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Dog's Peaceful Sleep

  We all have had it happen to us...well, at least once you get beyond a certain age!  A song runs through the brain and the words start tumbling out the mouth until...until...the words stop.  Oh, no!  The words won't come!  I cannot remember the words to the song! How dreadful! How frustrating!  That is exactly what happened to me as I was belting out "I Love a Rainy Night" by the very talented Eddie Rabbitt.  Most of my high school years were spent listening to the likes of this man and it was almost like I was losing that part of my life!  I had to find the words to that song so a quick search on the computer and I was a happy camper.  I punched the play button and there was Eddie singing all of his best!  

  The surprising part of this story has nothing to do with me, rain, Eddie Rabbitt nor the computer but has everything to do with an ailing dog.  Mr. PJ had been restless all day and there was not much I could do to remedy the situation.  The rain poured outside (hence my poor attempt at singing) making it impossible to take the dog for a walk.  So, he paced, yelped, moaned and paced some more.  That restlessness was pacified by one thing.  When the music of Eddie started playing, the old dog settled down and was soon fast asleep.  His restlessness was calmed by the voice that spilled from the speakers.  I was relieved and quickly found a nonstop stream of the man's music.  The dog slept for two hours.

  The odd part about this is, before I found the album of continuous Eddie Rabbitt music, another artist's music started playing and the dog awoke and immediately started pacing and panting.  I pushed the button on "I Love a Rainy Night" and, amazingly, Mr. PJ again relaxed and fell fast asleep!  The dog finds something soothing about this man's voice, I suppose.  Whatever works.  If he can find a bit of peace with music, I am good with it.  I do love a rainy night and I do love "I Love a Rainy Night" and any other Eddie Rabbitt song if it can help the old pup.


  1. Thank you for sharing this and giving our pet of peaceful sleep is very hard decision. During the process of pet euthanasia I feel so bad and guilty, he died in my arms and holding my fur baby is also killing me. I know we will see each other again.

    1. I am so sorry about your furbaby and I fully understand your angst. It is so hard to let them go as they own a piece of our hearts. This post, however, was not about euthansia but rather how the old dog found peaceful rest through music.

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