Monday, January 31, 2011

Dreary Day..Wonderful Kids!

It started out as being heavily clouded so my morning trip to the pier provided no beautiful sunrise. How in the world am I supposed to wake and be rearing to go with no sunrise? It tried..but just could not make it through the clouds. It was not really raining but it was enough to make me decide to stay inside. I tackled some deep cleaning as I am expecting company later this month. Along with the deep cleaning in the guest bedroom, I decided to rewash the bedding even though I have had no visitors in this room since Christmas. Well, maybe one and she is the reason the bedding needed washing! Ms. Put lays claim to this room on cold nights. By the time the washer cut off, a thick fog had rolled in off the Bay. I normally hang sheets on the line to dry simply because I love the way line-dried laundry smells! There is not a lot of sense in trying to line-dry anything in the pea-soup type fog! I tossed them in the dryer. Now, most people would have done this without batting an eye. A dryer is one of those things that most of us just take for granted. I am so blessed and drying the sheets today just reinforced feeling. You see, right before the holidays, my dryer started making the most horrible noise. It sounded sort of like a dozen live chickens had been thrown in with the wet clothes! There were more squeaks and squawks, bumps and boinks than I could tolerate and then..smoke! The stench of burnt rubber and billows of smoke engulfed the laundry room! Aacckk! I ran to flip off the power to the laundry room and call for my youngest son to come in from splitting firewood. He looked at the dryer and said that it was not on fire but the thing was pretty much shot. Something at that point told me that my dryer had met its demise..dead..kaput! So, I used the clothesline! I love hanging clothes on the line! Just not in freezing weather! I had all good intentions of buying a dryer...some day. When my oldest son and daughter-in-law came for the holidays, they noticed that I was hanging clothes outside and came to my rescue! These two sneaked out and bought me a beautiful, new dryer! They are so good to me! I am so blessed! I still hang clothes on the line..but on wet days like today and freezing days like we have had, I not only have warm, dry clothes, I have a warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from knowing my children care so much! Thanks to these two wonderful, young people, Mom has it a a lot.. easier! Thank you, Dear Ones!

As I said, the fog rolled in and blocked out the sun for the rest of the day. There was no sunrise on the eastern horizon and there was no sunset on the western horizon. Heavy clouds blocked one and heavy fog blocked the other. Somehow, I think this might have been some underhanded plan to make me clean house and steer clear of the gardens! I have been already planning my Spring gardens even though I know we will still have some more cold weather. I actually bought some packets of seeds with intentions of starting some plants in the greenhouse. These can be protected until the weather cooperates and they can be transplanted in the gardens. This past week, my son and I cleared the gardens of everything except the cabbages, mustard greens, Brussels sprouts and carrots. We even laid in a thick ply of manure..both cow and chicken. Yes, I do "organic" gardening. (And I use that term loosely!) I know I am pushing Spring and I promise that I will heed the wise words of my dear mother. She used to always warn of an "Easter" freeze. This will indeed put my garden in late! Easter is not until April 24th! I will definitely have to rethink this early seeding stuff!

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