Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Wonderdog Strikes Again!

I have to admit.. sometimes Ezzy can do the smartest things. She will seem to understand the most complex orders and carry out those with ease. Then there are days like today...sigh..... My Wonderdog is a bird dog! Not in the sense that most hunters use the term but she does love her birds. She loves to sit and watch them! She loves to chase the squirrels from the feeders. After I fill the many bird feeders in the yard, she will lie in wait for those pesky varmints (otherwise known as squirrels) to sneak in for a nibble. I have actually seen her be as still as possible just waiting until the critter actually thinks it has made it all the way to the feeder. Then she bolts after it and will chase it until it is either up the tree or halfway across the county..(not really the county..more like my brother's yard, but you get the picture!) Today, she followed me out in the yard to fill the feeders. After that was done, I settled in cleaning a child's rocking chair that is to be painted and recaned. As I scrubbed the tiny chair, she watched the feeders. About an hour passed before a squirrel even showed its face in the yard. Ez's ears perked up! She started trembling! She knew this was the big moment! Her moment! She was going to be the "Hero of the Day!" Yep! That's my Wonderdog! She jumped up and tore after the squirrel. The squirrel, startled, ran up the driftwood post that held the feeder instead of racing down the hill to the stand of trees. Now she had him! She jumped high enough to reach the squirrel that was perched on top of the feeder..he dove off of the feeder and scampered down the hill..she hit the feeder! The feeder flipped around like a windmill spewing seeds everywhere! A hurricane of sunflower and safflower seeds filled the air! Down came Ezzy..down came the feeder..down came the hanger! The squirrel had made his escape to the far oak tree and was chattering up a storm! I am sitting on the steps laughing like a hyena and Ms. Ez is standing in the midst of a sea of birdseed. In the collision, one feeder had been knocked from the post but another came crashing to the ground when she body-slammed it on her way down from the leap. Oh! What a mess! Poor Ez..she so thought she was doing well! At this point, she realized what had happened and looked slightly ashamed or embarrassed ..I am not sure which. My goodness! How could a person get angry at such a silly dog or at least at one that puts on such a good show! She does keep me amused! Ezzy, the Wonderdog, strikes again!

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