Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh, for an hour of sunshine!

The title says it all..yes, it was another cold, rainy day here on the Bayou! I am beginning to think the sun has gone into hibernation and won't come out to play again until Spring. I usually love to hear the pitter patter of raindrops on my rooftop but now it is beginning to grate on the nerves like the constant tap, tap, tapping of a leaky faucet. Still, one should not whine about things that are uncontrollable so..I sneaked out of the house soaking wet. Who would have ever thought??? I took a quick hike to the pier just to let my mind breathe in the surroundings. Being inside squelches my creativity just as Nature restores it. I draw on the natural settings around me to be the inspiration of most of my artistic endeavors. During this hasty jaunt, I came across a young raccoon digging for clams in the mud. He was so intent on his digging that he barely looked up at me. I think he was hoping for a quick snack before crawling back in some snug nest to ride out the rest of this cold spell.

Even the Tri-colored Heron and the Great Blue Heron were hunched over with their feathers fluffed out to protect against the rain and wind. Although, I could not for the world, understand why the Tri-colored was standing in the frigid water of the Bay..would it not have been a bit warmer on shore??

At least the Great Blue Heron was in a tree and not standing in water. Perhaps it had decided to forgo eating just to stay a little dryer if possible.

Old Gus, the pelican, would dive in the water and then back to the post. There it would hold out it wings to dry before settling down again. I am not sure just how these animals endure cold weather but I knew it was about time for me to head back inside..I needed warmth!

Yesterday, I promised a picture of the finished gourd lamp. At least that is one positive thing about being cabin-bound! I am forced to complete projects! All that is needed on this lamp is the wiring. That has to wait on the delivery man..the parts have been ordered!