Tuesday, March 29, 2011

And the Beat Goes On..

Ahh, the sound of thunder in the distance! This sounds promising! A nice soaking rain is much needed on the tomato plants that were just set out in the garden. With limited space for gardens, I doubled up on the plants by putting two in each hole. This will make good use of the wire tomato cages and still leave plenty of growing room. Picking any ripe tomatoes might be a tad difficult however since the twenty hills are literally only inches apart. Not a lot of leg room! These tomatoes had long outgrown the hotbed forcing me to remove the window glasses several weeks ago. It is just a happy thing that the weather has been warm as there is no way of protecting the several hundred plants still residing in the hotbed nor the forty that are in the garden already. Still, the ground is dry and the impending storm makes me happy!

The downside of a storm? The rains and predicted high winds will invariably knock all of the Wisteria blossoms to the ground. For the past few days, there has been a constant shower of lavender petals. Under the arbor, the pathway is carpeted with purple! I almost hate to see them disappear as I will so miss the aroma as well as the beauty that the three vines brought to the yard. I was telling Son the other day, if anyone could ever truly "bottle" the scent of Wisteria, they would be millionaires! Not only as the perfume but because the smell is such a symbol of the approaching Springtime! If you are in the Deep South and you smell one of four things you know Winter is over..Wisteria, in its purple glory..Orange blossoms, the Honeybees' bloom of choice..Confederate Jasmine, conjuring thoughts of warm, muggy nights and porch swings..and Magnolias..the epitome of all things Southern.

That said..my house has a wonderful aroma, too! Strange as it seems, whenever the weather turns a bit stormy, I always seem to want to bake! So.. bake I did! My one jug of sourdough starter has now multiplied so much that it had to be divided and divided again. I have four gallon jugs of the stuff and if someone does not request some soon, it will soon need to be five. I pulled out one jug and started baking! A delightful cranberry/ chocolate filled bread was the first of many loaves. Next.. cinnamon/ raisin/walnut braids came from the oven! Then a request! Son asked for a cheese filled loaf. Not satisfied with making one loaf, I made three Crusty-topped Cheese-filled Sourdough loaves! Now keep in mind that at the moment, only he and I are at home. That is a lot of bread! And the storms are predicted to continue through the day tomorrow.. more baking!

Finally, I will end on a "What's it?" that was found during the cleaning of the sewing room! I am not sure just what this was originally nor am I sure why it was saved and stashed in this room! I do believe it is a part of some type motor or something and possibly was stuck in the out-of-the-way place during a mad-dash cleaning day. Perhaps I found it on the coffee table (since that is usually where things have a way of appearing) and tossed it in the sewing room because of an unannounced visit from one very persnickety aunt. I don't have a clue..but I do think it might be garbage!

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