Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Smelling like dirt!

Margaret Atwood said it all when she made the claim that "In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." I must say she is one smart lady! I do believe everyone should get out and dig, plant, weed, whatever it takes to "smell like dirt"! Not smell dirty..smell like dirt..there is a big difference. During the spring, my family most likely tires of me smelling like the garden but growing up as a farmer's daughter, it is only natural that I play in the dirt. While some women would rather shop or receive manicures, nothing delights me more than to go barefoot in a fresh dug garden.

Last night, it rained! It was perfect timing for the newly planted tomatoes and the seeded Yellow Wax Beans! This afternoon, once I could get outside, I shook the wet sand from the tomato leaves. They will stand tall tomorrow! Next to them, the beans were all up and looking healthy! At the rate these plants are growing, I better get started on a fence...soon! The Yellow Wax Beans are pole beans but I usually just erect a fence and let them climb on that. It works well and saves me from having to cut individual poles. Years ago, Dad would put in a few posts between two rows, string a wire across the top and lean cane poles from the row to the wire. The poles were then tied at the top to keep them from slipping. This made sort of a long teepee effect and as kids we would run under the beans when playing chase. Cowboys and Indians! You never hear of kids playing pretend like that any more. Another "bean" tidbit..the leaves of the bean plant are "fuzzy" on the back. A fuzzy leaf would stick to a shirt! Aha! The Sheriff had a badge..what realism we had with our games!

Wandering through the garden, I came to last year's herb patch. Most of my herbs succumbed to the freezes of winter but not the Oregano! It is alive and flourishing! Umm..disregard the Petunia that is blooming in the midst of the is just being happy! Oregano is one of those herbs that is often overlooked in the garden. It is amazing used as a culinary herb in so many dishes. Most people will readily recognize the flavor when you tell them it is what gives pizza that distinctive taste. It is one of the most common herbs used in Italian cookery and is used in everything from tomato based dishes to meat and pasta dishes. Medicinally, Oregano is an antiseptic, antioxidant and carminative. One little known but helpful fact..Oregano can be used to reduce esophageal pressure therefore preventing acid reflux or heartburn! Herbs..they're good for you!

Just before heading back into the house, I heard something flit by my head. Looking up, I spied a tiny bird on a limb in a nearby tree. The first hummingbird of the year!! Spring is definitely here! I rushed in to mix a batch of food and fill the feeders. Darling Daughter bought me two beautiful feeders this past year and the hummers love them! I was excited to see the little bird and hope there will be many more to visit the garden.

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