Monday, March 21, 2011

Surely there is some "Good" in the Bad and Ugly! I am always touting the "good" parts of Bayou living. To my way of thinking, most everything has some good points, sometimes you just have to look really hard..way back behind all of the cobwebs that are obscuring the view. Yes, most everything has some good characteristics..almost. This evening while on the pier, Ezzy, the dog, started growling at something the edge of the marsh. Ezzy..growling? This was strange..she never growls..she barks..she "laughs" (another crazy story!)..and she whimpers..she does not growl. Whatever she had found required! I slipped up the pier next to her and stared down at where the water met the marsh. There, in about five inches of water, was a rather large snapping turtle! Good Ezzy! She was smart to have stayed on the pier and not attack this critter! This snapping turtle could have easily severely hurt her. Snapping turtle jaws are made for attacking and have been compared to a steel trap..a bite from one of these varmints is bad news! I picked up the long boat hook at poked at the turtle..just trying to provoke it enough to make it move on its way. It latched onto the end of the boat hook and refused to release it. Now what? I held on..I stayed put. There was no budging this rascal! Next to the pier there was a slender pole stuck in the mud..I grasped it and poke the tail of the monster. So now I have a boat hook in one hand..a slender pole in the other hand..a camera draped over the arm..and a dog that is going into hysterics! If she knocks me into the water with this diabolical foe, she will definitely NOT get a doggy treat tonight! I poked the tail again. The turtle let go of the boat hook and swung around to grab the pole. whoever said that you are safe to pick up a snapping turtle by the tail..I have news for you! Their heads can easily reach their tails..and take a nice hunk out of your hand! The only way that I was able to free the pole was to flip the turtle upside down with the boat hook. All I wanted is for the turtle to take leave of my pier area.."GO AWAY!" This turtle obviously does not understand English! "LEAVE THE PREMISES!" No matter how many times I demanded that the snapping turtle abandon the area, I gained no results. I poked and prodded it again..literally shoving it further into the water. I was in hopes that it would seek safety in the depths but noooo..this thing came back. Arrgghh! There is no winning here! I shoved it back into the deeper water..finally, it decided that it was tiring of the game of tug-o-war and paddled out of reach of my boat hook. As it turned to look at me, I think I heard it say.."I'll be back!" Oh, noooo....go live deeper in the Bayou..not by my pier!

The "good" thing about snapping turtles? hand, I cannot think of a one! I know there must be something..somewhere..surely.

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