Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Variety is the Spice of Life"

Here I list another grouping of "random" thoughts..things that pique the interest enough that they often make you stop and ponder. So perhaps instead of "random thoughts" I should list them as "ponder-worthy thoughts". Whichever..I will continue to mull over some of these and then file them in the back of the brain somewhere among the cobwebs and dust bunnies. I am sure that there must be a place that collects these discombobulated thinkings and can supply some sort of rationalization to each..I just can't! my method of filing all things important here is a variety of "ponder-worthy" items!

First, how is that you can till, fertilize, weed and seed a garden with high hopes of it flourishing and it never turns out as well as a plant that decides itself where it wants to grow. I seem to do well at growing a vast amount of weeds, but at times the garden never matches the grandeur that I see in my mind's eye. During the dead of Winter, when I can only dream, my wanna-be garden is lush and full..then Summer and I have weeds! Then..then there are times when you wonder what in the world a plant is doing growing in something like...a plastic Easter egg???? Son pulled this from the new garden spot. The tiny plant had found its own little haven and survived the Winter. Hmmm, maybe I should stop with the large gardens and plant in eggshells!

Another ponderation.. (yeah, I know that is not a real word.. I just like the sound of it!).. what causes major lumps and bumps on some trees? There is a tree growing behind the house near the creek bed that has a great number of swellings on it. I think it is a Tulip Poplar or maybe a Red Maple (it is hard to tell at this point since it is dormant yet. I cannot get close enough to it to observe the bark and any new leaves.). It has the most grotesque bulges growing out of the trunk. Why? I have no clue. Do all Tulip Poplars or Red Maples look like this? Not that I can see. In comparing it to others near it, this is the lumpiest, bumpiest tree in the woods! These burls do not seem to have once been limbs that were knocked off, nor does it seem to be diseased. The tree is about thirty feet tall so whatever caused the nodes did not stunt its growth. Perhaps the stress of past storms caused the burls but if that is the case..why are the other trees not deformed, also?? Anyway, I sort of like my lumpy, bumpy could possibly become a character in some animated movie!

Question..what possesses birds to think they can outwit a cat? I have several bird feeders that are visited by multitudes of all types of birds. Ezzy, the dog, loves to be near the feeders just to watch the birds. So does Ms Put....the cat! Her vigil is for a much darker reason than that of the fun-loving Ezzy. I have seen the evidence that occasionally Ms Put invites a bird to dinner and not in a good way. The fact behind the question is that Ms Put is so obvious about her stalking! She makes no bones about sitting right in full view of the birds and still they fly within a few feet of her. I am not even sure she is trying to stalk the goofy birds..perhaps she just gets annoyed at them. Do the birds not know that she is a threat? Do they have such short memories that even when they witness the massacre of their buddy, they are not afraid? Do they really think that Ezzy will always be there to protect them against their feline foe? Hmmm...ponder, many few answers!

Another avian related musing. Why are birdbaths not weatherproof? Am I supposed to lug a ninety pound concrete birdbath in and out when the weather changes? I think not! This winter was not a particularly frigid winter although we did have several freezes. It was more a "wet" winter..the cycle of rain, freeze, fog set in and lasted for several months. This rain obviously saturated the concrete birdbath to the point that once during a freezing night, it cracked. Not just a minor crack..a huge devastating crevasse! The bowl of the bath slid to the ground and received a scathing blow as the entire base toppled. The base broke smoothly in two pieces. The power of Nature is intriguing to say the least. Now, I ask you.. shouldn't a birdbath be weather resistant? Are you not supposed to have water in a birdbath? And also..what do you do with a broken birdbath..aka..four large chunks of concrete??

Finally...if many people see the same photograph, how do they see a different picture? The wording of that question might seem a tad strange but the point can there be a different point of view when looking at one photograph? I took a seemingly mundane photograph of an ordinary sunset on the Bay. When I enlarged the photograph, I, with my overactive imagination, could see a figure in the clouds. What was the figure? Again..I have no clue! It is all left to the interpretation of the viewer of said photograph. As I showed it to multiple people, I received as many answers. These answers ranged from a knight reaching from flames to God watching over me to a demon or monster grasping toward me...hmmm. Personally...I would rather go with my dear sister-in-law's interpretation of God! The others are a mite unsettling..ponder..ponder...

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