Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Evidence Points to Guilty!

Ever have one of those days where things just make you giggle? The type of days where things that should irk you for some reason set you off in a fit of snickering..ever have one of those? Today was that sort of day. It started off with me planting some bulbs that Sweet Daughter-in-law and Oldest Son sent to me. Son, the Younger, dug the ground and helped me to put in an assortment of bulbs. This should have been a happy but not necessarily giggly job. It was..until I saw some tiny bees. They were just so cute that they made me start to smile. The smile soon turned to snickers which led to full out giggling. I don't know why..bees are not supposed to be funny but for some reason these least to me!

Then...the kicker! Lately, I have been cleaning the sewing room. This is a massive job and has literally taken over the house. There is stuff piled everywhere! Not funny. Not funny at all. Unless....... In one mound of stuff that made its way into the living room was a small bunny. This bunny was a bar of soap from Avon that I had bought one Easter many years ago for Darling Daughter. There was a set of them, all cute little bunnies in dresses. For some reason she kept one bar. It was tucked away in a box of felt and ribbons. (For anyone that wants to make their felt and ribbons smell nice..slip a scented soap in with them.. oh, what a delightful smell!) I emptied the box on the floor and started sorting and discarding items. Ezzy, the dog, watched intently as I set the little bunny on the edge of the coffee table. I continued clearing up junk..tossing some items..rebagging other items. After about twenty minutes of this routine, the phone rang. I could not have been away but a few minutes but when I returned...oh, my!!!! Ezzy was writhing, shaking her head and drolling everywhere! A drooling dog should never be allowed to shake! Dog slobber was being slung like long strings of pale-purple, gelatinous spider-webbing...Ugh!!! Pale Purple???? I panicked...what had she done!!! What was purple? My first thought was the colored markers that were in another box but the lid was still tightly secured on that box. Felt! Perhaps the dye in the felt bled into her mouth if she chewed a piece! Then..there in her water bowl, the bunny was swimming! By now the bunny was starting to dissolve but you could still see toothmarks. Lavender tinted bubbles dotted the top of the water..ahh the answer of the purple spittle. Ezzy was still in a tizzy! I opened the door and she bolted..straight to her pool! I have never seen a dog wallow in water like she did. Poor Ez..when will she ever learn???!!! I was still snickering when she returned to the house. As she entered she looked sheepishly at her water bowl and then spied the bunny. I had fished it out of the water and set it on the floor just to see her reaction. The soft, slimy soap had accumulated quite a bit of dog hair by this point. Ezzy must have taken it to her bed
and then when she realized it was not as tasty as she originally thought, tried to drop it. The soap most likely stuck in her mouth causing her to rush to her water bowl. Unwittingly, Ez made it worse by splashing the bunny in the water, all she did was make suds. Now, she was having no part of this evil rabbit. She would turn her head from side to side to avoid even being close to it! Bad Bunny! Bad, Bad Bunny!! Silly dog!! Silly, silly dog!! I giggled some more.

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