Saturday, April 2, 2011

Remember them???

Another find in the sewing room that falls into the category of "Why in the world did I keep that?" These were actually Darling Daughter's. Years ago, she told me that someone recommended that she get a LavaLamp to reduce stress...hmmm..if I remember rightly she was about twelve years old at the time..stress, huh? I fell for it. Several times. She had a variety of LavaLamps. Why are these still in the sewing room? Probably the same reason all the rest of this stuff is in there..there was a lock on the door! Not a lock to protect the priceless items that are stashed in there..a lock to keep everyone from seeing all the stuff stashed in there!

LavaLamps.. those marvels of the '60s! Those mesmerizing lights that were not used to illuminate anything. Those things that gained a revamped popularity in the 90s. Those things that most likely will come back in style eventually. The lamps were long tubes of glass filled with colored water and the blobs of wax. A small light bulb in the base of the lamp would heat the water causing the wax to rise to the top of the tube. Once there, the wax would start to cool and sink slowly to the bottom only to be reheated. These pulsating blobs of wax on their never-ending cycle of rise and fall were supposed to calm the mind. Or in other words, entrance you to the point that as a kid you were not doing homework! Actually, I never had that problem..she always did her homework. Good Daughter! But still, I fell for the ruse that the lamps would be healthy and reduce her stress-load..again and again...hmmm.

The wax type LavaLamps were pleasing to her until some entrepreneur had the sparkling (pun intended!) idea to meld glitter with the wax blobs. Now these "GlitterLamps" longer "LavaLamps" were the thing to have! They were so much better at relieving a twelve year old's stress, that I rushed out to purchase one. With this one, there were three lamps burning at all times in her room. How in the world was this stress-relieving? Then there came the fiberoptic lamp with its poofy strands that dotted different colors around on the wall as it spun in circles. This one made a funny clicking noise as it turned..again..sleep deprivation tactics! Not to mention..four lamps all aglow. The room was rivaling the sun for the "Brightness of the Year" award!

I am not sure if any of these helped her in any way. After the newness wore off, they were stowed away in the sewing room with tons of other treasures. Now, I have found them. What do I do with three LavaLamps..I stand to be corrected here..two LavaLamps and one GlitterLamp?? I really can't imagine Darling Daughter wanting to put them in her apartment, although the rigors of Grad School might be causing more stress than grade school. Perhaps she needs them! Perhaps she should take them home with her! Perhaps if she would take them home, they would be me! They would be out of the sewing room!

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