"If you have a mind at peace, a heart that cannot harden, go find a door that opens wide upon a lovely garden."
I am not sure just where I heard that quote, but when I opened the front door this morning I had to smile. My front door opens wide upon a lovely garden..my rose garden. This entire garden has been a labor of love..from the dirt carted in by wheelbarrow, to the fence that I begged for as an anniversary gift, to the rose bushes given by family and friends alike. I could never have accomplished this alone. This is definitely a lovely garden..created with love.
When you realize the complete devastation that was brought upon this place during Hurricane Katrina, the almost six years of work put in to getting to this point seems a short time. True, we were blessed not to have suffered irreparable damage to our home but our yard took a severe beating. Nothing was the same. The mountains of debris covered everything. As the huge tidal surge washed in it left huge ravines gouged in the land. All of my plants had to be replaced...and they were...mostly by gifts from people who cared. A rose bush here..a bulb there..a handful of cuttings..and soon the gardens were more beautiful than ever. Sure, it was a lot of hard, sweat-inducing labor..sure there were setbacks but all-in-all the garden flourished. I am quite sure that the love behind the giving made each plant spring to life.

Lately, I sit in the garden at daybreak, cup of coffee in hand, and listen to the birds sing. The roses and jasmine that surround me are constant reminders of the blessings of family and friends. It is my time to reflect on what is past and dream on what could be the future. Although it may not seem to be a covetable abode to many..the little House on the Bayou is once again an idyllic retreat..my little Piece of Paradise. I am happy here.
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