Saturday, April 23, 2011

A New Day

Morning has broken, like the first morning.
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird.
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning.
Praise for them springing, fresh from the Word.
~Eleanor Farjeon~

Most people will recognize this as the first verse of a song by Cat Stevens, but Eleanor Farjeon wrote it long before he made it popular in 1971. I personally like the song as it sort of describes the feeling I have each morning as I watch the sun rise in the East. Each morning is like a "first" morning..a new beginning. Somehow, each sunrise brings such promise...hope that the day will be all that we dream it will be. A new day..full of life, happiness and peace.

On the Bayou, the birds awake with such enthusiasm at the crack of dawn. They start to sing long before the sun brightens the sky. I try to follow the birds' lead and sing the praises of the Lord as I realize that I am granted each new day. My grandmother-in-law..(we called her "Momie")..once told me that as soon as she awoke in the morning she always thanked the Good Lord for granting her another day. This being Easter, should make us all rejoice that we have been granted a "new day". If only we would realize that the groundwork has already been done for us and we just need to follow the pathway where His feet have passed. It is our choice.

Have a Blessed Easter and may each of you find your day filled with love, peace and much happiness.

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