Thursday, May 5, 2011

Guard Duty

The most amusing thing happens on the Bayou at dawn each day. I meander out to my favorite chair and watch a curious occurrence that has been happening for the past month. I only wish that I had pictures to show the unusual actions of a Redwinged Blackbird. Like I said, it always happens at dawn..I have never witnessed it at any other time of day. If I look toward the east, way up in the top of a dead pine tree sits this bird. This is not so he sits there most of the day and a lot of birds sit in trees..or actually most birds sit in trees..with the exception of maybe ostriches or emus. This would just be plumb silly as that would have to be a very large tree and how in the world they would get up there is beyond me, but this bird sits in the dead pine. I know he will be there each morning. I suppose he is guarding his territory from any intruders and he has the ultimate view of all surroundings from this high point. The unusual part is that at daybreak this bird will fly up what appears to be about ten feet into the South wind, make a circle and land back on the same branch. He does this relentlessly..for almost an hour. Why? Who knows..perhaps he is bored with guard duty and has found a way to amuse himself. This action would be about the same as if we were bored and decided to play with a yoyo. Wind up the string, drop the yoyo, pull back on the string..throw down the yoyo..pull up on the is the repetition that I find so hilarious. Fly up into the wind, make a circle, up into the wind, make a circle , land..over and over again.

Perhaps it is his fitness regime and he gets an early start. Spread the up...back...extend the legs..drop down...repeat! He wants to keep fit and healthy so he does his early morning workout before he gets sidetrack by trivialities such as eating. No..he must keep slim and trim! How else will he be able to protect his territory? Fly up into the wind, make a circle, up into the wind, make a circle, land. Yep..he can feel the burn! He will be fit! Then again maybe it is some sort of courtship dance..his ladylove is probably setting on a nest and he just cannot contain his happiness. The mere thought of babies causes him to exuberantly leap for joy! He is one proud daddy! He thinks to himself.."I am having babies!!! I am so happy I could fly! Fly up into the wind, make a circle, land! Wait a minute..I am a bird..I can fly! Let me do that again! Fly up into the wind, make a circle, land! I am so happy!"

Whatever it is, he repeats this action for almost an hour and then settles down to preen his feathers. Every morning it is the same ritual..every morning he performs his antics and every morning I watch. Oh my..perhaps he is just seeing how many days in a row he can lure me out at the crack of dawn to watch him. He is saying to his buddies.."Hey, watch this! She will sit and watch this for a whole hour! Fly up into the wind, make a circle, land! See, I told you she would sit there and watch!"

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