Friday, May 13, 2011

Looks can be deceiving!

~This post was originally for Thursday, May 12th but due to problems with Blogger, it could not be published on that date.~

Looks can be deceiving! This afternoon while out meandering around the back part of the property near the creek, I came across something relatively strange and interesting. As I age, I realize that certain things are not as they once were and have come to terms with each and every one. One of these changes is a vast difference in my vision. Sometimes, when I do not have my glasses firmly mounted in front of my eyes, I see things in a bit different light. Occasionally, this can make for a most amusing discovery! What I think is some great photographic opportunity turns into a hilarious mistaken identity! Today's great shot turned out to be just of those "I really need to use my glasses!" occurrences!

Keep in mind that lately the Bayou House has been on the receiving end of a lot of unwanted, "throw-away" pets that are discarded like rubbish by their heartless owners. Here, these animals are fed and hopefully helped along their way to a better home than whence they came. I thought I had discovered another wayward animal behind the peach orchard. In the tall grass, there seemed to be a head peering timidly back at me. This seemed from all appearances to be a large dog..and quite an interesting dog at that. To my bad eyes, it almost looked like an Afghan Hound! Why in the world would someone dump out an Afghan Hound? Those are beautiful dogs..but there he sat in a full Sphinx pose...gorgeous! I eased my way towards the poor lost hound. He sat motionless..staring at me. I was hooked..I had to lure this dog back to the house, give him a meal and at least attempt to find the original or even a new family. This animal would not have much of a chance surviving in the wild..he needed to be pampered! The perfect! The markings..exquisite! The hair..strikingly silky! I crept, could that dog stay still! Perhaps he thought that I would not notice him..perhaps he thought that I would harm him..perhaps he was a bit people-shy from being lost. I would help him! I eased still closer.

Then the realization set Afghan Hound sure started to look a lot like a log! During the winter, Hubby and Son cut a lot of firewood from this same area. They were clearing up a lot of dead or damaged trees and Mr. Afghan Hound was none other than a stump that they had left to burn on the rubbish pile! The beautiful fur was only some dried grass that had been bent over the top of the log. "The perfect! The markings..exquisite! The hair..strikingly silky!" The vision..bad! The mistake..slightly embarrassing! A log!!!! Jeez!

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