Thursday, June 21, 2012

Creepy-crawly Critters!

If it seems as if I have been posting a lot about bugs lately, rest assured that it is not likely to end soon.  There seems to be a record number of the critters crawling, flying and biting here on the Bayou as of late.  It must be since there was such a mild winter this past year but I sure could use a bit of respite from all of these pesky insects!  I awoke bright and early this morning to one such critter crawling on my arm!  Instinct set in and I flipped that joker slap across the room somewhere!  I hopped up and searched for the creature only to be disappointed.  It was no where to be found!  That was a bit scary!  Now I would never know just what had decided to visit me during the nighttime hours!  A bit shaken, I meandered into the kitchen..a cup of coffee is what I needed after that!

Later, I found my creepy-crawly!  When I smacked that critter, it had flown across the room to a table where I had been working on some crafts the night before.  There in my container of beads was the largest beetle I had ever seen!  THAT was what was crawling on my arm!!! Egads!  That thing was huge!  Its body was nearly three inches long!  AND had large pincers on its head!  Granted it did not bite me but it still could have!  The whole container, beads and bug alike, was carried out the door.  I was not about to take the chance of that thing escaping inside!  Once outside, I carefully flipped the critter on the ground...there!  I thought the deal was done!  I had been kind and released that bug!  But then, I noticed that it was upside-down.  Hmmm...stupid bug.  It cannot even right itself.  I flipped it right side up and started up the steps.  Glancing back, I realized the bug was upside-down again!  Stupid bug!  Again, I righted it.  No sooner had I flipped it, than it was on its back again!  What is wrong with this beetle?  Flip...right side..flip wrong side...hmmmm?  It was then that I understood..the bug was dying.  Not that I had done anything..or maybe I had.  I did smack it pretty hard!  Oh, man!  Guilt feeling again!  Yesterday, I worried about the cricket that I uncovered now I killed a beetle! I promise I had not meant to kill it!  What am I thinking????  It is a bug, for goodness sake!  So..I am now a bug murderer, I suppose!  Geez!  Why do I feel so bad about killing a bug?

That giant beetle is a Wood Beetle or Hardwood Stump Borer, I believe.  They usually do just that..bore around in old tree stumps which is why we normally do not see them.  They grow quiet large and fly around at night.  The adults are attracted to light which accounts for it coming inside.  I had the windows open last night and the light was on for a while.  Once the bug came inside, it most likely just wanted to be back out.  Perhaps it was trying to get my attention so I would help it find its way.  Well, it got my attention alright!  Bugs be warned!  DO NOT CRAWL ON ME!  I will smack you!  Oh!  One thing I did notice about the beetle..even though it was dying, it did look happy!  Seriously, on its thorax, there appeared to be two eyes and a big smiling mouth! maybe it was not so happy but it struck me as a grin!

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen a number of geese in your neighborhood? It might be time to call a professional at canada geese removal NJ.
