Friday, June 22, 2012

Pretty enough to eat!

Occasionally, I come across something that is just to good to not share.  I enjoy a good cup of herbal tea.  To start, I always bought those teabags in the pretty boxes at the grocery store.  While these are tasty, as of late, I have been making my own blends.  I am not able to grow all the plants that are desirable as tea blends but some..a good many..are from my own herb garden.  One of my favorites is Hibiscus/ Ginger Root tea.  The Hibiscus flowers give the tea a rosy red coloring and tastes highly of cranberries and the Ginger Root adds a spicy flare.  There are several benefits to be reaped from this tea.  Probably the most prominent being that it lowers the blood pressure.  Both the Hibiscus and Ginger have been proven to lower both the systolic and the diastolic levels of the blood pressure!  Plus, these herbs tend to regulate the blood pressure so those with low pressure needn't worry!

Another herb to add to the Hibiscus Blossom tea is Mint.  My sweet sister-in-law, Linda, gave me a small sprig of mint to add to my herb garden.  It has flourished and is now blooming!  I am so in hopes that it reseeds itself and becomes a permanent part of the herb garden!   The Hibiscus/Mint Tea has a fruity-minty flavor that is quite refreshing!  This, too, has many positive effects on the body.  Again, it lowers the blood pressure but helps the entire circulatory system!  With the mint, there is also the added plus of the aroma therapy!  The lovely smell relaxes and soothes the mind and thus can do nothing but help!

To make your own herbal Hibiscus/Ginger Root Tea, simply heat one cup of water until boiling.  Remove from heat and add two dried Hibiscus flowers and a one inch chunk of Ginger Root.  Let this steep for about five minutes, strain and then sweeten.  I usually sweeten mine with honey!  To make the Hibiscus/Mint Tea..heat the cup of water and add two dried Hibiscus flowers and a three inch sprig of fresh Mint!  This, too, needs to steep for at least five minutes before straining.  Again, sweeten with honey!  Both of these teas are highly relaxing and tasty!

So you see..those beautiful Hibiscus flowers growing in your yard are not there just to add color to your landscape! They are tasty, healthful additions to your diet!  Also..just to throw this in...this is one plant that you do not have to worry about if dear, sweet Fluffy decided to eat it!  Or, in my case, dear, sweet Sunny!  Yep, you guessed it..Sunny munched the Hibiscus bush!  Hehe..I am quite sure that might have raised my blood pressure a bit..I guess I better go have a cup of tea!

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