Sunday, July 15, 2012

The grass is always greener....

All of our lives we are taught that the sky is blue, apples are red, the sun is yellow and leaves are green. There is fallacy in that teaching! I am here to argue that point with evidence that leaves are yellow!  Lately during my walks, I have come across numerous seemingly healthy plants that have a very bright yellow leaf or two! I am beginning to panic that there is some dreaded disease that is infecting all sorts of plants here on the Bayou! At first with my bad eyesight, I was excited as I thought a camellia leaf was some rare yellow bird!  Sorry to say, it was more of a disease ridden leaf than a bird. Even though the leaf was quite pretty with its lemony yellow coloring, I do not want every plant on the hill to become infected.  It would take a lot for me to get used to seeing yellow where green should be!  That yellow camellia leaf made me take notice of a lot of other yellow or discolored leaves on otherwise healthy plants.

The lowly Dollar Grass had a most unusual coloration.  Being a more or less round leaf, the mottled yellow and green coloring made it resemble some surreal space photo!  This bright yellow orb was easy to spot in a sea of dark green circles!  Something strange had happened to that one leaf to make it stand out among all the others.  I have to admit, this one is quite lovely!

Then down by the marsh, one of the plants that I have not been able to identify as of yet, had the entire top half of the plant affected by the discoloration.  This was the palest of yellows but was far more widespread on the plant than just a single leaf.  Whatever had caused the pigment change, did not discourage the insects, though!  Withing just a few days, this plant was munched to the ground!

Then the discovery that hearts could be yellow as well!  On the back of the old shed, a rather large vine twirls around the exposed boards.  This vine had wonderfully heart-shaped leaves and there..right in the center, was a bright yellow heart!  It was nearly aglow with the reminder of how we should love one another.   Don't ask me why, but that is what raced through my mind when I saw the yellow heart high above my head!

I am sure there are more of these around the hillside and it does cause me a bit of angst.  What if these are all infected with some sort of fast-spreading disease that will soon wipe out most of the plant life on the Bayou? I wish I knew and if it is something dreadful, I wish I knew what to do to preserve my "green".  The sun is yellow, bananas are yellow, lemons are leaves are supposed to be green!

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