Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Just Dilly-Dallying!

Wandering about aimlessly has become an enjoyable hobby of mine.  I roam the hillside and marsh edge nigh on every day just observing whatever I stumble upon during my hike.  Sometimes, nothing out of the ordinary is seen but then I am good with that as well.  Things do not have to be extraordinary nor spectacular to be interesting to me.  Some of the things that most people find mundane fascinate me, to be honest!  I suppose that comes with the overactive imagination that I have kept since childhood.  I feel that most folks have lost that spark which makes life interesting.  They have come so caught up in the hullabaloo that is called living to actually have a life!  To is all about going here and going there, it is never about "just being".  I can find pure satisfaction in just being.

Today right after a nice rain shower, I headed to the gardens.  The fresh smell of wet earth and washed plants is one of my favorites!  Seeing the foliage washed clean after the dust and grime of the drought, makes me happy.  Seeing the plants reaching for the sky after being withered and almost crispy is quite refreshing!  Life-giving rain rejuvenates not only the plants but also the spirit!  In my ambling today, I noticed the herb garden is multiplying.  The Dill plants have bursts of seeds on top of each plant which fully reminded me of the recent fireworks from the Fourth of July!  Their heads waved gracefully in the Bay breeze and wafted the heady scent of Dill Weed through the air.  That blended with the aroma of Sweet Basil was most refreshing!

I pondered the uses of the Dill plant.  Those seeds are quite aromatic as are the wispy leaves.  Both are used in culinary dishes and as herbal medicines.  Dill is probably most recognized as the flavoring for pickles but is great when used in salads, soups and casseroles.  It marries well with fish and/or rice dishes. In herbal home remedies, try using it for upset stomachs, flatulence and indigestion.  Dill is also great for use in calming colicky babies as it has a way of relieving stomach and intestinal spasms!  To make a tea with the Dill seeds, use about two teaspoons to a cup of boiling water.  Let steep for about five minutes then sip slowly.  For baby, make a much weaker tea using only about a teaspoonful of seed to a cup of boiling water.  Let this steep for five minutes and then cool to lukewarm.  As an added note, ALWAYS check with your Pediatrician before trying any herbal remedies on children!  The dill should not cause any problems but it is always better to check with the professional!

After "Dilly"-dallying around in the herb garden for a while, I decided a cup of tea was in order!  Since I was not suffering from indigestion, I opted for a lemon/ginger root tea!  Ahh, yes!  I love my herb garden!  I love the rain!  I love a good cup of herbal tea!

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