Thursday, July 12, 2012

Of Boots, Raindrops, Black Skimmers and Liberty!

I am missing my son and daughter-in-law!  This past weekend, they came for a visit and I enjoyed it so much that I hated for them to leave!  Their visits are always too short and far apart for my liking!  I know this cannot be avoided but that does not help the little twinges of heartache as I watch them drive away.  One evening during this visit, Joanna had slipped off her boots after a trek to the pier.  Come time for us all to retire, she asked if I minded that her boots sat in our living room over night. Of course not!  Later, I pondered that question and thought to myself..those boots can stay at my house all of the time!  Not that I fancy wearing boots..but I know if the boots are here, Joanna and Mark are here!  Yep..those boots can stay right here in the living room!

After the five-minute rain shower this morning, I headed to the gardens.  There my interest was captivated by a tiny lizard creeping on one of the leaves.  The little guy was only about three inches long so he could not have been more than a few days old.  I noticed how thin the lizard seemed to be..almost too thin.  This little guy has had a struggle for survival.  I guess when you are that tiny and on your own, life has to be hard.  I watched as the lizard drank from the droplets of rain that were clinging to the leaf.  He seemed to be appreciative of those tiny pools..that life-giving rain!

Some of my favorite birds have been putting on quite a show as of late.  The Black Skimmers are out every morning and evening scooping up the menhaden that have filled the Bay.  It always thrills me to see these large birds in their graceful flight just inches above the water's surface.  They have a tendency to fly so fast that it is difficult to get a really clear picture so when this shot turned out well, I smiled with a bit of smug satisfaction!

Today, a song brought tears to my eyes.  My sweet niece, Eva Black has released her new CD titled "Liberty".  It is a patriotic collection of songs that includes the National Anthem.  Throughout my many years, I have stood hand-on-heart every time it was played or sung.  I have always been touched but never once have I been so moved as today.  Eva sings it like no other! But as moved as I was by the "Star Spangled Banner", it was not the one that brought the tears.   The the last song on the CD is one written and sung by Eva after a conversation with her little boy, Evan.  In the title song, "Liberty", she explains what true love for our country is..what liberty is and how it is obtained.  Hearing this song and knowing that here is a young mother teaching her son patriotism made me realize that even if the country seems to be in dire straits, there will always be those that will stand to defend it!  God Bless America!  And God Bless Eva for sharing her amazing talents with the world.

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