Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sitting and Waiting...

Sitting and waiting is perhaps one of the hardest things to do regardless of the circumstances but throw in the fact that we are sitting and waiting for a hurricane to hit makes it doubly as hard.  The Little Bayou House is boarded up, battened down and filled with supplies.  What was touted as a strong tropical storm is now a hurricane and one to be reckoned with on no uncertain terms.  There has been a sort of disrespect for this storm as a possible damage-producing entity but now maybe the reality is setting in and folks will realize that no storm should be taken lightly.  Things can change and change very quickly.  Not that I fear this one more than any other storm, I just believe that folks need to be a bit more weather savvy!  Right now, things are quiet. The rains have started and there are a few wind gusts but nothing compared to what could possibly be in store for us. All the preparations have been completed and there is nothing to do but wait and perhaps pray for those who have delayed taking any action.  Too many will bemoan their inaction if this proves to be a stronger hurricane than what is expected.  I would much rather be over-prepared than under.  Like I have said before, "Always prepare for the worst and pray for the best outcome."

Flooding the day before Hurricane Isaac made landfall.

As I am sitting here waiting, I recall the storm that hit seven years ago on the same date that Isaac is supposed to make landfall.  Isaac is not a trifling thing but neither is it a Katrina.  There is no comparison.  I have found that every storm is different and brings an entirely new set of circumstances to the Bayou.  No two have ever been alike nor most likely ever will be.  It is just one of those unique things about the weather..it changes!  I do not mind these storms. I know if all goes as expected, the system should move on up the country and dump a lot of much needed rain in areas that are fraught with drought.  That will be a blessing.  Sometimes things seem dire but the outcome is exactly what is needed.

I hope my friends, the Green Herons, make it through Hurricane Isaac and come back for  handouts after the storm subsides!

On the bright side, Mark and I slipped down to the pier before it went underwater.  Once there, the Green Herons came to get breakfast.  At least I know they will have a full belly during this bad weather.  It would be virtually impossible for them to hunt with the intense winds and torrential downpours.  Each ate six or seven nice size mullet before flying off to seek shelter.  They have moved up the hill towards the underbrush and canebrake.  Hopefully, once this is over, I will see them again.  The pelicans on the other hand have decided to roost on the pier posts.  I am not so certain that this is the best place to ride out a hurricane and will most likely find them, bedraggled and dazed, at the doorstep in the morning.

Be safe, Folks.  I will try to keep posting as long as I can!  It seems there is to be a wild night on the Bayou!

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