Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Isaac..the Unwelcome Visitor!

And we sit...sit waiting for Hurricane Isaac to move on out of here.  To our dismay, it does not look like that is the plan.  This thing has settled in upon us and refuses to leave even though we have made it quite clear that as a visitor, it is not welcome.  The rains pelt the rooftop of the Little Bayou House relentlessly.  The winds pound at our windows and doors wanting to come inside.  Occasionally, the tired little house shakes and trembles but it is holding.  I feel safe within its walls and I am thankful for the security it provides me.  I am snug inside with plenty to eat, dry clothes and the good company of Mark and Michael.  Obviously, prayers from many folks are wrapping around the Little Bayou House and keeping it safe from this entity.

The pier is taking a pounding from Hurricane Isaac!

Several times, I could stand it no longer and slipped outside for a look-see.  There is not an extreme amount of damage as of yet but there is no telling what might come if this lasts much longer.   The pier has taken a beating.  Large sections of it are from their moorings on the pier posts.  The waves are wreaking havoc on these sections and are ripping them apart board by board.  This will be rebuilt.  The trees, although resilient in an ideal world, are starting to show the stress of the constant thrashing.  Limbs litter the yard and I am sure more will be piled on top of those already down.  The trees, I cannot rebuild.  That job is totally up to the trees.  The rain is relentless and torrential.  Downpours occur without warning and the raindrops pelt as hard as nails when driven by the wind.  It is a horizontal rain storm at the best. Word is, Hurricane Isaac has taken a liking to the part of the country and has decided to extend his stay.  We are looking at several more days of this pounding.  Hold on, Little House, hold on and continue your strength.  We so depend upon you.

The waters from Hurricane Isaac are bringing all sorts of debris into the yard. you will not think all is gloom and doom!  I was bored so I cooked!  A lovely pot of gumbo made the house smell delightful and gave us plenty to eat!  I am so thankful that we still have electricity and do hope that continues. Take care, All, and continue prayers for all those surrounded by this beast known as Isaac.  While it is not the most intense storm, the longevity of it is highly destructive.

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